Yay! thanks so much. Under my nose the whole time.

On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 4:30:44 PM UTC-7, Tim Holy wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 4:01:00 PM CDT Gabriel Gellner wrote: 
> > Is there a standard (Base or common package) that implements something 
> akin 
> > to matlab's `findpeaks`. It is easy enough to make something like this, 
> but 
> > I imagined that this would be something that already exists but that I 
> have 
> > just missed? 
> julia> using Images 
> help?> Images 
> search: Images nimages Image ImageCmap OverlayImage AbstractImage 
> AbstractImageDirect AbstractImageIndexed imaverage integral_image 
>   Images is a package for representing and processing images. 
>   Constructors, conversions, and traits: 
>   - Construction: `Image`, `ImageCmap`, `grayim`, `colorim`, `convert`, 
> `copyproperties`, `shareproperties` 
>   - Traits: `colordim`, `colorspace`, `coords_spatial`, `data`, 
> `isdirect`, 
> `isxfirst`, `isyfirst`, `pixelspacing`, `properties`, `sdims`, 
> `spacedirections`, `spatialorder`, `storageorder`, `timedim` 
>   - Size-related traits: `height`, `nchannels`, `ncolorelem`, `nimages`, 
> `size_spatial`, `width`, `widthheight` 
>   - Trait assertions: `assert_2d`, `assert_scalar_color`, 
> `assert_timedim_last`, `assert_xfirst`, `assert_yfirst` 
>   - Indexing operations: `getindexim`, `sliceim`, `subim` 
>   - Conversions: `convert`, `raw`, `reinterpret`, `separate` 
>   Contrast/coloration: 
>   - `MapInfo`: `MapNone`, `BitShift`, `ClampMinMax`, `ScaleMinMax`, 
> `ScaleAutoMinMax`, etc. 
>   - `imadjustintensity`, `sc`, `imstretch`, `imcomplement` 
>   Algorithms: 
>   - Reductions: `maxfinite`, `maxabsfinite`, `minfinite`, `meanfinite`, 
> `sad`, 
> `ssd`, `integral_image` 
>   - Resizing: `restrict`, `imresize` (not yet exported) 
>   - Filtering: `imfilter`, `imfilter_fft`, `imfilter_gaussian`, 
> `imfilter_LoG`, 
> `imROF`, `ncc`, `padarray` 
>   - Filtering kernels: `ando[345]`, `guassian2d`, `imaverage`, `imdog`, 
> `imlaplacian`, `prewitt`, `sobel` 
>   - Exposure : `imhist`, `histeq` 
>   - Gradients: `backdiffx`, `backdiffy`, `forwarddiffx`, `forwarddiffy`, 
> `imgradients` 
>   - Edge detection: `imedge`, `imgradients`, `thin_edges`, `magnitude`, 
> `phase`, `magnitudephase`, `orientation`, `canny` 
>   - Corner detection: `imcorner` 
>   - Blob detection: `blob_LoG`, `findlocalmaxima`, `findlocalminima` 
>   - Morphological operations: `dilate`, `erode`, `closing`, `opening`, 
> `tophat`, `bothat`, `morphogradient`, `morpholaplace` 
>   - Connected components: `label_components`, `component_boxes`, 
> `component_lengths`, `component_indices`, `component_subscripts`, 
> `component_centroids` 
>   Test images and phantoms (see also TestImages.jl): 
>   - `shepp_logan` 
> help?> findlocalmaxima 
> search: findlocalmaxima findlocalminima 
>   findlocalmaxima(img, [region, edges]) -> Vector{Tuple} 
>   Returns the coordinates of elements whose value is larger than all of 
> their 
> immediate neighbors. region is a list of dimensions to consider. edges is 
> a 
> boolean specifying whether to 
>   include the first and last elements of each dimension. 
> (I think it would be great if most packages would provide an API summary 
> with 
> ?PkgName. Not that I always remember myself) 
> --Tim 

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