Is this a known bug/regression?

On Sunday, July 31, 2016 at 10:53:11 PM UTC-4, Sheehan Olver wrote:
> It still doesn't infer the type in 0.5:
> *julia> **@code_warntype ntuple( x -> 0, 3)*
> Variables:
>   #self#::Base.#ntuple
>   f::##5#6
>   n::Int64
> Body:
>   begin 
>       unless (Base.sle_int)(n::Int64,0)::Bool goto 3
>       return (Core.tuple)()::Tuple{}
>       3: 
>       unless (n::Int64 === 1)::Bool goto 6
>       return (Core.tuple)($(QuoteNode(0)))::Tuple{Int64}
>       6: 
>       unless (n::Int64 === 2)::Bool goto 9
>       return 
> (Core.tuple)($(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)))::Tuple{Int64,Int64}
>       9: 
>       unless (n::Int64 === 3)::Bool goto 12
>       return 
> (Core.tuple)($(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)))::Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64}
>       12: 
>       unless (n::Int64 === 4)::Bool goto 15
>       return 
> (Core.tuple)($(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)))::Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64,Int64}
>       15: 
>       unless (n::Int64 === 5)::Bool goto 18
>       return 
> (Core.tuple)($(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)))::Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64,Int64,Int64}
>       18: 
>       unless (Base.slt_int)(n::Int64,16)::Bool goto 21
>       return (Core._apply)(Core.tuple,$(Expr(:invoke, LambdaInfo for 
> ntuple(::##5#6, ::Int64), :(Base.ntuple), :(f), 
> :((,(Base.sub_int)(n,5))))),(Core.tuple)($(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)),$(QuoteNode(0)))::Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64,Int64,Int64})
> *::Tuple{Vararg{Any,N}}*
>       21: 
>       return $(Expr(:invoke, LambdaInfo for _ntuple(::Function, ::Int64), 
> :(Base._ntuple), :(f), :(n)))
>   end*::Tuple*
> On Monday, August 1, 2016 at 10:34:30 AM UTC+10, David P. Sanders wrote:
>> El domingo, 31 de julio de 2016, 20:16:04 (UTC-4), Sheehan Olver escribió:
>>> I'm doing the following:
>>> immutable FooIterator{d} end
>>> Base.start(::FooIterator{d}) = tuple(zeros(Int,d)...)::NTuple{d,Int}
>> You can use the `ntuple` function, which constructs a tuple from a 
>> function:
>> julia> ntuple( x -> 0, 3)
>> (0,0,0)
>> julia> typeof(ans)
>> Tuple{Int64,Int64,Int64}
>>> But is there a more elegant way of getting the type inferred?  I suppose 
>>> I can override low order d directly:
>>> Base.start(::FooIterator{2}) = (0,0)
>>> Base.start(::FooIterator{3}) = (0,0,0)

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