Is there a reason, why you want to compile Julia yourself? 
It might be easier to use a precompiled version, that you can download from .

ln -s creates a symbolic link to the executable, such that is in the search 
path. This is the way to go 
on Linux, but I don't know if it works with mingw on Windows, that you are 

On Linux, you can check with
which julia
in which directory the julia executable is found. Perhaps you have two 
versions on your computer
and you execute the old version because it is in the search path before 
your new version?

On Sunday, August 7, 2016 at 3:14:24 PM UTC+2, digxx wrote:
> hey thx,
> So i did git checkout v0.4.6 and compiled and in julia versioninfo() still 
> says 0.4.0 ??!
> u sure I need to do git checkout 0.4.6 or git checkout v0.4.6
> About this sudo In -s:
> I dont quite understand, so I write
> make sudo In -s /julia/usr/bin/julia4.6 ???
> What does the In or ln ( is it i or l ) stand for?

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