Sure. You could maybe make a recipe, or just make a function that does
this. You'll probably want to make use of 'axis_limits' to get the data
range. Like this:

amin, amax = axis_limits(plt[1][:yaxis])

Here 'plt[1]' returns the first Subplot.

On Wednesday, August 10, 2016, Islam Badreldin <>

> Hi Tom,
> Thanks for your input. This solution seems similar to the one proposed on
> matlabcentral. It's fine for now, but it'd be great if switching between a
> plot with x-y axes to a plot with only scale bars can be done neatly using
> a single switch or function, while hiding all the details from the end
> user. For example, figuring out the correct parameters for the text
> annotation is a function of current plot scale (min/max), the text size of
> the displayed text, ... etc. Ideally, the end user shouldn't need to fiddle
> with all these details, and the scale bars functionality should `just work'
> as the x-y axes functionality does!
> Thanks,
> Islam
> PS: the first plot command gives me `ERROR: Unknown key: axis`. But I
> assume that is because I'm currently on Julia v0.4.6 with Plots v0.8.2.
> On Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 10:55:10 AM UTC-4, Tom Breloff wrote:
>> I threw this together really quickly... excuse the mess:
>> using Plots
>> # initial plot
>> plot(linspace(10,34,100), 30rand(100,2).+[0 60],
>>      leg=false, ylim=(-60,150), axis=nothing,
>>      xguide="Time(ms)", yguide="current(mA)")
>> # lines and annotations
>> x,y = 12,-40
>> plot!([x,x,x+10], [y+10,y,y], c=:black,
>>        ann=[(x+5,y,text("10 ms",:top,10)),
>>             (x,y+5,text("10 mA",:right,10))])
>> png("/tmp/tmp")
>> ​
>> On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Willem Hekman <>
>> wrote:
>>> If you'd try to do this using PyPlot you can remove the x- and y-axis by
>>> translating the necesarry matplotlib code i.e.
>>> h-axes-from-a-matplotlib-plot/
>>> to the syntax that PyPlot takes, which is slightly different. You would
>>> get something like
>>> plot(x,y) # some 2D plot call
>>> ax = gca() # get current axes (the drawing area in PyPlot, dont confuse
>>> axes with axis here)
>>> ax[:get_xaxis][:set_visible](false) # make x-axis invisible
>>> for inspiration you can have a look at
>>> /7214002
>>> Adding the scale bars I cant seem to come up with a solution straight
>>> away unfortunately, anyone has an idea?
>>> On Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:33:14 PM UTC+2, Islam Badreldin wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Is there a simple way in Julia to add scale bars with labels to plots
>>>> and to hide the x-y axes as well? The way to do in MATLAB involves a lot of
>>>> manual tweaking as described here
>>>> scale-bar-to-my-plot
>>>> I'm hoping to find a more elegant way in Julia!
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Islam

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