I realize the question is about the performance of the zip approach but may 
I suggest just running mean(v)?

On Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 11:34:08 AM UTC+2, Tamas Papp wrote:
> I was benchmarking code for calculating means of vectors, eg 
> v = [rand(100) for i in 1:100] 
> m1(v) = map(mean, zip(v...)) 
> m2(v) = mapslices(mean, hcat(v...), 2) 
> @elapsed m1(v) 
> @elapsed m2(v) 
> m2 is faster, but for 1000 vectors, 
> v = [rand(100) for i in 1:1000] 
> m1 with zip takes "forever" (CPU keeps running at 100%, I interrupted 
> after a 10 minutes). Is this supposed to happen, or should I report it 
> as a bug? 
> Tamas 

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