There's a PR for this on Parameters.jl. See 

On Saturday, August 13, 2016 at 1:04:19 AM UTC-7, Adrian Salceanu wrote:
> Hi, 
> This seems to be a recurring question per my googlings, but still I could 
> not find a satisfactory answer. 
> I'm looking for a generic way of doing this: 
> render_template(template_content, Dict(:greeting => "Hello", :greeted => 
> "World", :other => Dict("foo" => 1)))
> where 
> function render_template(template_content, template_vars = Dict{Symbol,Any
> }()) 
>   # here instantiate template_vars keys with corresponding values, so 
> that 
>   # greeting = "Hello"
>   # greeted = "World"
>   # other = Dict("foo" => 1)
> end
> Thanks! 

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