Isn't it a red herring to say that strings lack setindex because they are 
immutable? I think strings don't have setindex! because it is considered to 
be a bad API choice, at least partially because you can't do O(1) indexing 
for many string encodings.

I can easily define a setindex! method* that does what the OP is expecting, 
so how can this be related to strings being immutable? 

*julia> **Base.setindex!(s::ASCIIString, v,i) =[i]=v*

*setindex! (generic function with 58 methods)*

*julia> **a="abc"*


*julia> **a[1]='7';a*


*julia> **a[1]+=1;a*


*This works in 0.4, and I'm lead to believe this is considered a bad idea.

On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 12:40:36 AM UTC-6, Jacob Quinn wrote:
> Strings are immutable (similar to other languages). There are several 
> different ways to get what you want, but I tend to utilize IOBuffer a lot:
> a = "abcd"
> io = IOBuffer()
> for char in a
>     write(io, a + 1)
> end
> println(takebuf_string(io))
> -Jacob
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 12:30 AM, Rishabh Raghunath < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hello fellow Julia Users!!
>> How do you manipulate the individual characters comprising a string in 
>> Julia using a for loop ?
>> For example:
>> ###################
>> a = "abcd"
>>   for i in length(a)
>>    a[i]+=1
>>  end
>> print(a)
>> ####################
>>  I am expecting to get my EXPECTED OUTPUT as        "     bcde      "
>>  BUT I get the following error:  
>> ##########################################
>>  ERROR: MethodError: `setindex!` has no method matching 
>> setindex!(::ASCIIString, ::Char, ::Int64)
>>  [inlined code] from ./none:2
>>  in anonymous at ./no file:4294967295
>> ##########################################
>> I also tried using:
>> for i in eachindex(a) instead of the for loop in the above program .. And 
>> I get the same error..
>> Please tell me what i should do to get my desired output ..
>> Please respond ASAP..
>> Thanks..

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