Unfortunately the R package is GPL, so we can't use it as a template for a 
Julia implementation. But RCall will let you call that package from Julia 
to get draws from those distributions, so you should be able to do what you 
suggested pretty easily.


On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 1:44:06 PM UTC-7, Rock Pereira wrote:
> It's available in R. Look up the package '*stabledist*'. It has function
>  rstable(n, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, pm)
> Stable distributions are difficult to generate because the pdf does not 
> have a closed form.
> For the Levy distribution, alpha=0.5, beta=1.
> I was trying to answer a question on StackOverflow 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38774913/fbasicsfitstable-working-suspiciously
> I wanted to do the generation in R, and the MLE optimization in Julia, but 
> didn't get round to it.

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