If you like windows (I don't) there is a promising new julia 2D plotting (link : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/julia-users/by8YlsmRnHg) very new but nice graphics.

Plots is really an excellent plotting, with all backends that can make you external plotting.

Le 28/08/2016 à 02:19, Chris Rackauckas a écrit :
Plots.jl has different behavior depending on the chosen backend. It defaults to Plotly, which is why it opened in the browser. However, for plots which open in their own window, you can try installing PyPlot, GR, PlotlyJS, etc.: just checkout the backend page: https://juliaplots.github.io/backends/.

I would recommend giving the PyPlot backend for Plots a try.

On Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 5:15:27 PM UTC-7, K leo wrote:

    Thanks for the reply.

    I did try Plots.jl, and it appears all plots go to a browser
    window.  I would still prefer plots have their own private window
    with sizes under control.  Am I missing anything?

    Pkg.checkout("Winston") doesn't get me anything new.

    On Saturday, August 27, 2016 at 8:19:45 AM UTC+8, Chris Rackauckas

        You should really check out Plots.jl. It's a plotting
        metapackage which lets you use the same plot commands to use
        any backend. It's nice because if you're using it an one
        package stops getting updated, you can switch to another
        plotting backend without changing your plot commands.

        But I can see that, although Winston hasn't been tagged in
        almost a year, there has been some development work. Have you
        tried Pkg.checkout("Winston")?

        On Friday, August 26, 2016 at 3:04:22 PM UTC-7, K leo wrote:

so that it works with version 0.5.

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