On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 6:42:08 PM UTC, Chris Rackauckas wrote:
> That's a good showing for Julia for the larger matrices? However, for 
> smaller matrices it's a large constant time. Is it including 
> startup/compilation time? Did they not "run it twice"?
> 1. I guess they must include startup time (and for JRuby..), not always 
unfair.., 2. So no.. they could for the benchmarks, while I'm not sure 
about it ideal for the transpiler (didn't look into it much).

> On Monday, August 29, 2016 at 8:57:32 AM UTC-7, Páll Haraldsson wrote:
>> I have no relation to this..
>> https://github.com/remore/julializer

"But there are very many differences between Ruby and Julia which I have no 
idea how to fix as of now. For example:

   - Julia supports only dec, bin and hex format but in Ruby the decimal 
   system is much powerful.(#to_s(num) and #to_i(num) are supported)
   - Julia doesn't have Class concept(there is workaround though) but Ruby 
   - Julia does not have a "null" value 
   but Ruby does 
      - For example in Ruby [1,2,3].slice!(4) will return null but in julia 
      there is no nil therefore this raises causes error.
      - Current workaround for this is, do not write this way, instead you 
      need to check boundary by yourself.
   - And many more gaps to be solved 
      - e.g.) In Julia typemax() and typemin() returns Inf but in Ruby 
      Float::MAX, Float::MIN have specific value"

A. I like you Julia doesn't have "null" (not strictly true, at least for C 
API..) to not have Hoare's self-admitted billion dollar mistake. Not sure 
thought, how best to help that project..

B. About Classes and


that is I guess best, but maybe not to helpful for that project.. Should 
that be enough, to compile to that, or any other ideas?

C. I'm sure Julia has as good decimal support as possible already, with two 
different packages. I'm not sure what's in Ruby (so can't comment on that 
code), I guess the maker of the project is not aware, only of what is in 


>> [may not work to transpile Ruby on Rails to Julia - yet, there is an old 
>> package RoR that allows it to work with Julia though.]
That is https://github.com/Ken-B/RoR_julia_eg

that uses ZMQ.jl (better for IPC)?

>> Interesting benchmarks here ("virtual_module" is transpiled, but "Julia 
>> 0.4.6 not, only to compare, and [can be] a little slower than Python..):
>> https://github.com/remore/virtual_module
>> Saw at:
>> https://www.reddit.com/r/Julia/comments/5049pq/a_fresh_approach_to_numerical_computing_with_ruby/
>> [not really about to discuss here much. Fortran to Julia was first, 
>> though.]
>> -- 
>> Palli.

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