Just make an alias of, say, ~/.julia/v0.4/mypackage (hidden) and paste the 
alias in the directory you want, e.g. Google Drive/mypackage_alias (not 

Whatever changes you make to mypackage_alias will change mypackage, which 
can then be called on the REPL with <using mypackage>

This way you don't have to deal with hidden folders or having your only 
backup on Github. 

I couldn't find a clear alternative on Julialang's manual, which is 
understandable given their resource constraint and priorities. 

If my suggestion here is bullocks, please comment. 

On Friday, December 19, 2014 at 10:47:31 PM UTC-2, David van Leeuwen wrote:
> Hi, 
> On Wednesday, December 17, 2014 11:21:44 PM UTC+1, Seth wrote:
>> I'm wondering whether folks are actually basing their repos in ~/.julia 
>> and doing their development and commits from there, or whether there's some 
>> other process that allows development to happen in a more standard location 
>> than a hidden directory off of ~ while still allowing use of Pkg. I'm 
>> probably overlooking something trivial.
>> What's a recommended setup/process for creating packages using Pkg to 
>> manage them?
> I'm not sure what the right answer would be, but I have been struggling 
> with it a lot.  This is my set-up for most of the stuff I do.  
>  - I develop packages in their own directories on the user filesystem. 
>  For me, that would be `.../julia/<package>/` .  
>  - from there, in `./src/` I have the various source files.  One, 
> specifically is called "nomodule.jl".  This contains a 
>    - "require(<types.jl>)"
>    - "include(<functions.jl>)"
>    - ...
>  - Each time I change something in the code, I do a `reload("nomodule.jl`) 
> from the REPL.  This replaces all functions, except for the type 
> definitions---they can't be updated
>  - When I need to change the types, I need to do a `ctrl-D; julia; 
> reload("nomodule.jl")` which can be a bit of a pain
>  - When I am happy with the functionality, I make this code into a module, 
> using a file "<Module>.jl", very similar to the "nomodule.jl" but with the 
> "require" replaced by "include"
>  - I sync this then with github
>  - If I need the functionality from another working directory, I do a 
> `Pkg.clone(<github>)` to load a sort-of-stable version into ~/.julia
>  - When I am really happy with the code, I do a pull request to 
> METADATA.jl for my package to be included in the standard set of Julia 
> packages. 
>  - If I need functionality on some other machines, I sync using git, 
> either through github or directly.
>  Cheers, 
> ---david

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