I am encountering a problem while trying to interface Stan through Julia. 
Right now I am using Julia .4.6, Stan .3.2, Mamba .9.2 and Ubuntu 16.04. I 
have successfully installed cmd Stan and ran the Bernoulli test model. 
However, when I run Pkg.test("Stan") I get the following error:

Environment variable CMDSTAN_HOME not found.
Environment variable JULIA_SVG_BROWSER not found.

Based on the Mac instructions, I tried placing the following in the .bashrc 

export STAN_HOME=/home/dfish/cmdstan-2.11.0/stan_2.11.0/stan
export CMDSTAN_HOME=/home/dfish/cmdstan-2.11.0/stan_2.11.0
export JAGS_HOME=/usr/local/bin/jags

Perhaps not surprisingly, that did not work. Any help would be appreciated.


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