On Thursday, January 23, 2014 at 11:47:11 PM UTC+1, Акатер Дима wrote:
> It's mentioned here 
> http://julialang.org/blog/2012/02/why-we-created-julia/ that Mathematica 
> was one of the programs that inspired Julia. How does Julia compare to 
> Mathematica's language?
> To make the question more specific,
> - it's about languages, not implementations, so Mathematica's FrontEnd 
> capabilities are irrelevant (and it's also not about “which one is faster”)
> - it's not about free vs non-free
> - it's not about communities and support
> - it's not about anything related to OOP (feel free to write about, sure, 
> but I will probably be very passive in discussions concerning OOP)
> - it's about the languages' most high-level features, like 
> meta-programming, macros, interactions with other languages and the way it 
> treats types
> For example, Wolfram language (which is now the name of Mma's core 
> language), implements meta-programming capabilities via term-rewriting and 
> Hold. It provides some foreign-language interfaces via MathLink (which 
> could be WolframLink already) and also has SymbolicC. It is untyped and 
> proud of it; types can be implemented easily but they are of little 
> practical need in the absence of compiler.
- it's also about the languages' most distinctive features: are there 
> things Julia has that WL does not have? (Which means adding them to WL 
> would require reimplementing Julia in WL, much in spirit of Greenspun's 
> tenth rule.)
>     I think it is easier to go the other direction and implement something 
like Mma in Julia. This is what I have done here:


I think Julia is uniquely well suited for implementing a Mma-like 
language.  I agree with the comment below that Mma is designed in part to 
appeal to non-programmers. A large part of its appeal is that it collects a 
lot of mathematics functionality that is hard to find elsewhere... all 
kinds of algorithms and special functions. Many of these can be used with 
one or a few lines of code. I kept the non-programmer in mind when writing 

   The question of what kind of type system a language has is somewhat 
polemic. In some sense, Mma is untyped. There is no hierarchy in 
expressions; they all have a head and arguments. I think hierarchies of 
mathematical objects are not well represented by hierarchies of programming 
language types. Which hierarchy a particular mathematical object belongs to 
and its exact definition is very fluid. Languages like Mma that attach no 
inherent meaning to expressions are well suited for mathematics for 
scientists and engineers. A matrix is an expression with head 'List' each 
of whose elements is an expression of fixed length with head 'List'.  Still 
types creep into Mma in various ways. 

Some people prefer types to play a larger role in symbolic computation. For 




Whether to use types depends in part on the domain of the language.  But 
even for rather general math capabilities, language design determines in 
part the role of types. Sympy (in python and Julia) aim to add symbolic 
computation capability to Julia.  They are more 'typed' than Mma and 
SJulia. But, it seems that python sympy is hybrid in this respect and also 
supports generic expressions.

> To provide a starting point, here is the definition of type in Julia from 
> documentation http://docs.julialang.org/en/latest/manual/metaprogramming/
> type Expr
>   head::Symbol
>   args::Array{Any,1}
>   typend
> Maybe there's a typo in docs (line 4) but it doesn't really matter. What 
> do Julia users do, for example, to avoid boilerplate code defining lots of 
> types? I understand how to avoid writing boilerplate definitions in WL: it 
> may not be easy but at least I know where to begin in case I need a program 
> that would write new definitions or update existing ones.

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