Not easy to know what's happening there.
You might try:

julia> quit()
julia> Pkg.rm("Cairo");Pkg.rm("Cairo");
julia> Pkg.add("Cairo")
julia> quit()
julia> using Cairo

if there are error messages, post 'em
otherwise do the same substituting "Tk" for "Cairo"
if there are error messages, post 'em

On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 2:13:28 PM UTC-4, Pigskin Ablanket wrote:
> meh - errors running the Pkg.
> On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 1:53:01 PM UTC-4, Chris Rackauckas wrote:
>>"Package") will build the binaries for the package. You should 
>> run it since the package is saying it needs you to do it. Generally, 
>> packages which have a lot of binary dependencies (i.e. ones that link to 
>> C/C++ libraries) will require some form of building.
>> On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 10:49:36 AM UTC-7, Pigskin Ablanket 
>> wrote:
>>> Haha - good question.  Didnt know what Pkg.Build("Cairo") meant - so I 
>>> havent run that yet.  Should I do that?
>>> On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 12:33:47 PM UTC-4, Chris Rackauckas 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Did it build correctly after using"Cairo")?
>>>> On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 8:33:16 AM UTC-7, Pigskin Ablanket 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> So I tried all of this, but it looks like there was an error loading 
>>>>> the TK package.  When I went to use Tk I got the following error message:
>>>>> ERROR: LoadError: Cairo Package not properly installed. Please run 
>>>>>"Cairo") in error at error jl:22 while loading.....  
>>>>> On Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 1:06:49 AM UTC-4, Jeffrey Sarnoff 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> (before all that, rename the file to something simple like 
>>>>>> "everyday.jl")
>>>>>> On Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 1:05:20 AM UTC-4, Jeffrey Sarnoff 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> on an empty area of the windows desktop, RIGHT-CLICK and select new 
>>>>>>> > shortcut.
>>>>>>>   where it says type the location of the item, type
>>>>>>>     C:\\Users\\JHerron\\Documents\\Documents\\
>>>>>>> Personal\\DFS\\NHL\\Julia\\code_for_Github.jl
>>>>>>>  then click on next
>>>>>>> start Julia
>>>>>>> julia> Pkg.update() # ignore everything, let it finish
>>>>>>> julia> Pkg.add("Tk") # ignore everything, let it finish
>>>>>>> julia> quit()
>>>>>>> start Julia
>>>>>>> julia> using Tk
>>>>>>> julia> include(GetOpenFile())   
>>>>>>> # go to the desktop, select the shortcut you made
>>>>>>> # that code file should load and run
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at 7:57:30 AM UTC-4, j verzani wrote:
>>>>>>>> I haven't tested it on Windows, but the `Tk` package has 
>>>>>>>> `GetOpenFile()` that should allow for a dialog to navigate the file 
>>>>>>>> system. 
>>>>>>>> Something like `include(GetOpenFile())` should work.
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at 7:40:10 AM UTC-4, Pigskin Ablanket 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Looks like his comment got deleted.  Will try it today and follow 
>>>>>>>>> up.  Thanks again for all the help
>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, August 23, 2016 at 10:44:19 PM UTC-4, Jeffrey Sarnoff 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> As Steven mentioned, starting the program from the directory 
>>>>>>>>>> where the files reside allows you to include the file using its 
>>>>>>>>>> filename 
>>>>>>>>>> without the full path.  If that is easy for you, it is probably 
>>>>>>>>>> best.  An 
>>>>>>>>>> alternative is to do it with code.  Let me know if you need that.
>>>>>>>>>> On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 5:06:33 PM UTC-4, Pigskin Ablanket 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> No problem.  If you get a chance - great
>>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 12:13:40 PM UTC-4, Jeffrey 
>>>>>>>>>>> Sarnoff wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> There is a way -- after the weekend.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 8:04:58 PM UTC-4, Pigskin 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ablanket wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I probably dont want to change the input file names more than 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> once although I would be updating its data daily - and I think I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> know how 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do that (change the name of the file itself as well as in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> code). 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  The output file though - I might want to change more regularly,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also - when I ran it - a few things were deprecated - does 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that just mean outdated?  Does updating with the new term change 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the file - 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or just the underlying solving?  Not sure if you can know that or 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was just looking for a way yo shortcut that long as heck 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> include string I have now.  Cause I will run that daily and lord 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> knows I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mistyped it like 10 times.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 7:28:40 PM UTC-4, Jeffrey 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sarnoff wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are most welcome.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What do you want to change, if anything, from day to day, for 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example:  one or both input file names, the output file name, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reuse 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some/all file names while changing the data inside?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 7:01:54 PM UTC-4, Pigskin 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ablanket wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IT Works!!!!!!!!   Thank you so much.  Found my error in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am curious if there is a way to shortcut the command as I 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would want to run this daily to test and it seems like a lot to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correctly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the time today
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 6:26:34 PM UTC-4, Jeffrey 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sarnoff wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Look correct?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will answer that after you try running it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 6:19:33 PM UTC-4, Pigskin 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ablanket wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for providing me so much help today - much 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I copied the properties right here for folder Julia  which 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is where the code file is located:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C:\Users\JHerron\Documents\Documents\Personal\DFS\NHL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Interesting that it didnt bring it over as My_Documents.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Based on this, I would believe the command needs to be:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> include("C:\\Users\\JHerron\\Documents\\Documents\\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Personal\\DFS\\NHL\\Julia\\code_for_Github.jl")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Look correct?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I made the changes to the paths in the file as well....
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "C:\\Users\\JHerron\\Documents\\Documents\\Personal\\DFS\\NHL\\Julia\\example_skaters.csv"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 6:01:50 PM UTC-4, Jeffrey 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sarnoff wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two things,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> include("C:\\Users\\JHerron\\My_Documents\\My_Documents/Personal\\DFS/NHL\\Julia/code_for_Github.jl")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and I wonder, do you mean                               ! 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                        !
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> include("C:\\Users\\JHerron\\My_Documents\\My_Documents_Personal\\DFS\\NHL\\Julia\\code_for_Github.jl")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> include("C:\\Users\\JHerron\\My_Documents\\My_Documents_Personal\\DFS_NHL\\Julia\\code_for_Github.jl")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when you go to the directory where you see the file: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code_for_Github.jl and you put the mouse on that file and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right-click to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see the popup menu and select the last thing "properties" 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something that says Location,if does it not exactly match:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C:/Users/JHerron/My_Documents/My_Documents/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Personal/DFS/NHL/Julia
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then you have miscopied it, if it looks like this 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C:/Users/JHerron/My_Documents/My_Documents_
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Personal/DFS_NHL/Julia
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then you should be using (and fix the paths in the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code_for_Github.jl file, too)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> include("C:\\Users\\JHerron\\My_Documents\\My_Documents_Personal\\DFS_NHL\\Julia\\code_for_Github.jl")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 5:12:41 PM UTC-4, Pigskin 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ablanket wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sadly, I get the following response from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> include("C:\\Users\\JHerron\\My_Documents\\My_Documents/Personal\\DFS/NHL\\Julia/code_for_Github.jl")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *ERROR: could not copen file 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> C:\Users\JHerron\My_Documents\My_Documents\Personal\DFS\NHL\Julia\code_for_github.jl*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *in include at boot.jl:261*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:320*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 4:49:16 PM UTC-4, Jeffrey 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sarnoff wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the "i" in include should be lower case
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 3:17 PM, Pigskin Ablanket <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried Include("C:Users\\JHerron\\My_
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Documents\\My_Documents/Personal\\DFS/NHL\\Julia/code_
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for_Github.jl")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (I hope that was what you meant to do).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I got: *ERROR: UndefVarError: Include not defined*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 1:58:30 PM UTC-4, Steven 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> G. Johnson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Friday, August 19, 2016 at 1:47:59 PM UTC-4, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pigskin Ablanket wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry if Im not following - I tried:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Include("C:\Users\JHerron\My_Documents\My_Documents/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Personal\DFS/NHL\Julia/code_for_Github.jl") aas 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shown below and got *ERROR: syntax: invalid escape 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sequence*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Backslashes have to be escsped in strings, like in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many computer languages: change \ to \\ in the string.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, usually it is better to just run Julia from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> within the path that you want rather than having to type 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> absolute paths all 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the time in the REPL.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (In the long run, you usually do large-scale code 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> development in a module in the standard module search 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> path, so you can just 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type "using Foo".)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (If you call include("foo.jl") from another file 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bar.jl, the path of foo.jl is automatically relative to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the path of bar.jl, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so again you neither need nor want absolute paths.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For interactive code development where I need more 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than a few lines of code, I usually use a Jupyter 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> notebook (google 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "IJulia").

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