Okay, this is a little weird.

If I run the following it looks like the culprit is a dirty package:

julia> Pkg.checkout("Distributions")
INFO: Checking out Distributions master...
INFO: Pulling Distributions latest master...
WARNING: Distributions is fixed at 0.10.1+ conflicting with requirement for 
GaussianMixtures: [0.0.0,0.10.0)

The weird thing is that the REQUIRE file for GaussianMixtures does not 
mention the 0.10.1+

julia 0.3 

Where does that come from?

On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 8:31:44 AM UTC-7, Tim Wheeler wrote:
> Hi Julia Users,
> I just noticed something a little weird. I am using Distributions.jl 
> (great package btw) in Julia 0.4.6 on Ubuntu, and it is listed in 
> Pkg.status() as a required package:
> Distributions                 0.8.9
> I checked on METADATA and on the Distributions.jl github - there is a more 
> recent version. In fact, there are several more recent versions.
> I ran Pkg.update(), which updated some things but did not change 
> Distributions.jl. Am I missing something? Is there some package that 
> requires Distributions be less-than-current?
> Thank you,
> -Tim

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