If anyone knows how to fix ConjugatePriors, I'm all ears. I have a PR to 
update the dependencies but I quickly realized that getting it to work 
requires more than bumping versions, and I haven't been able to pinpoint 
exactly what needs to change.

On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 11:44:51 PM UTC-7, Kris De Meyer wrote:
> I noticed that in Distributions from 0.9 onward the Normal and MvNormal 
> distributions were parameterised on Real (similar to what I did for 
> PDMats). That work should have made my test fix in that pull request 
> obsolote. In other words, if ConjugatePriors was/is updated to work with 
> Distributions > v0.9, then the 2 line change I did in 
> https://github.com/JuliaStats/ConjugatePriors.jl/pull/10 
> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FJuliaStats%2FConjugatePriors.jl%2Fpull%2F10&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHvy-KS6qzhulRVnrYb39VJQXbe0A>
>  shouldn't 
> even be there anymore. This would require more of a change to 
> ConjugatePriors than simply that test fix though. Has this been looked at?
> On Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 4:46:04 AM UTC+1, Tony Kelman wrote:
>> FengYang is right. Remove ConjugatePriors. That package needs a new tag 
>> that's compatible with the latest versions of its dependencies, otherwise 
>> having it installed is going to cause issues like this.
>> I'm not sure what's needed beyond 
>> https://github.com/JuliaStats/ConjugatePriors.jl/pull/10 
>> <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FJuliaStats%2FConjugatePriors.jl%2Fpull%2F10&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNHvy-KS6qzhulRVnrYb39VJQXbe0A>
>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 8:41:38 PM UTC-7, Tony Kelman wrote:
>>> Did you post your full Pkg.status() yet? Is something keeping you stuck 
>>> on StatsFuns 0.2.x? The only new upper bound I see in the METADATA versions 
>>> is from https://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl/pull/5613
>>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 4:09:07 PM UTC-7, Tim Wheeler wrote:
>>>> Okay, here is the same thing but from my METADATA.
>>>> Code:
>>>> metadata_dir = "/home/tim/.julia/v0.4/METADATA"
>>>> for (pkg, version) in Pkg.installed()
>>>>     reqfile = joinpath(metadata_dir, pkg, "versions", string(version), 
>>>> "requires")
>>>>     if isfile(reqfile)
>>>>         lines = open(readlines, reqfile)
>>>>         println("#"^20)
>>>>         println(pkg)
>>>>         for line in lines
>>>>             print(line)
>>>>         end
>>>>         println("")
>>>>     end
>>>> end
>>>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 11:17:28 AM UTC-7, Tony Kelman wrote:
>>>>> I hate to have to say "RTFM" about this so often, but see 
>>>>> http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.4/manual/strings/#version-number-literals.
>>>>> The trailing dash means including prereleases of the given version. 
>>>>> (Considering how unintuitive this is we should probably transition to 
>>>>> something clearer when we redesign Pkg.) The first number given is an 
>>>>> inclusive lower bound, and if a second number is given then it's an 
>>>>> exclusive upper bound.
>>>>> I see a few packages applying upper bounds to ForwardDiff, and a few 
>>>>> to MathProgBase and ReverseDiffSparse. I may have missed something (were 
>>>>> these taken from METADATA or the package directory? It should be the 
>>>>> former, sorry if I didn't say as much - METADATA can be changed 
>>>>> after-the-fact but tagged package content can't) but those don't look 
>>>>> like 
>>>>> they would conflict.
>>>>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 10:03:27 AM UTC-7, Tim Wheeler wrote:
>>>>>> I wrote the script  and put the output in the attached file.
>>>>>> I assume that the '-' at the end of a dep is an upperbound?
>>>>>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 9:35:46 AM UTC-7, Tim Wheeler wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok, will do!
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 9:31:25 AM UTC-7, Tony Kelman wrote:
>>>>>>>> There's a bug somewhere with that error message, I've seen it 
>>>>>>>> points at the wrong package. If we can come up with a reproducible 
>>>>>>>> test 
>>>>>>>> case here it'll help for fixing the bug and making that message more 
>>>>>>>> useful.
>>>>>>>> It's almost certainly not Compat (I don't think anyone has ever 
>>>>>>>> added an upper bound to a Compat dependency). Perhaps loop over 
>>>>>>>> Pkg.installed() and display the contents of the REQUIRE file for the 
>>>>>>>> specific tags you have currently installed, see who is upper-bounding 
>>>>>>>> each 
>>>>>>>> other? We do need better tools for debugging this kind of thing to 
>>>>>>>> make it 
>>>>>>>> easier to figure out what the dependency resolver is doing, which 
>>>>>>>> bound 
>>>>>>>> constraints are active etc.
>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 9:25:53 AM UTC-7, Tim Wheeler 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Okay - I removed GaussianMixtures and now it is complaining about 
>>>>>>>>> Compat. 
>>>>>>>>> ERROR: unsatisfiable package requirements detected: no feasible 
>>>>>>>>> version could be found for package: Compat
>>>>>>>>> I wrote a script to run through all package REQUIRE files and 
>>>>>>>>> print out the Compat line, if any. None of these found anything 
>>>>>>>>> specifying 
>>>>>>>>> an upper-bound.
>>>>>>>>> I would like to find the offending packages. Is there a good way 
>>>>>>>>> to go about doing this?
>>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>>> ArgParse:                      Compat 0.7.3
>>>>>>>>> ArrayViews:                    Compat
>>>>>>>>> AutomotiveDrivingModels:       Compat 0.8
>>>>>>>>> AxisAlgorithms:                Compat 0.8
>>>>>>>>> BayesNets:                     Compat
>>>>>>>>> BinDeps:                       Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> Blink:                         Compat 0.8.6
>>>>>>>>> Blosc:                         Compat 0.8
>>>>>>>>> BufferedStreams:               Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> Cairo:                         Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> Calculus:                      Compat 0.4.0
>>>>>>>>> Codecs:                        Compat 0.7.20
>>>>>>>>> Colors:                        Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> Compose:                       Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> Conda:                         Compat 0.8
>>>>>>>>> ConjugatePriors:               Compat 0.4.0
>>>>>>>>> Contour:                       Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> DataArrays:                    Compat 0.8.6
>>>>>>>>> DataFrames:                    Compat 0.8
>>>>>>>>> Debug:                         Compat
>>>>>>>>> Discretizers:                  Compat
>>>>>>>>> Distances:                     Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> Distributions:                 Compat 0.4.0
>>>>>>>>> Docile:                        Compat 0.7.1
>>>>>>>>> FastAnonymous:                 Compat
>>>>>>>>> FileIO:                        Compat 0.7.19
>>>>>>>>> FixedPointNumbers:             Compat 0.7.14
>>>>>>>>> FixedSizeArrays:               Compat 0.8.7
>>>>>>>>> Formatting:                    Compat
>>>>>>>>> ForwardDiff:                   Compat 0.8.6
>>>>>>>>> Gadfly:                        Compat 0.8.5
>>>>>>>>> Glob:                          Compat
>>>>>>>>> Graphs:                        Compat 0.7.16
>>>>>>>>> Gtk:                           Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> GtkUtilities:                  Compat 0.7.16
>>>>>>>>> GZip:                          Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> HDF5:                          Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> Hexagons:                      Compat
>>>>>>>>> Hiccup:                        Compat 0.8.2
>>>>>>>>> HttpCommon:                    Compat 0.7.20
>>>>>>>>> HttpParser:                    Compat 0.7.20
>>>>>>>>> HttpServer:                    Compat 0.7.16
>>>>>>>>> IJulia:                        Compat 0.7.20
>>>>>>>>> ImageMagick:                   Compat 0.7.7
>>>>>>>>> Images:                        Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> ImageView:                     Compat 0.4.6
>>>>>>>>> IniFile:                       Compat 0.7.4
>>>>>>>>> Interact:                      Compat 0.7
>>>>>>>>> Interpolations:                Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> Ipopt:                         Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> Iterators:                     Compat
>>>>>>>>> JLD:                           Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> JSON:                          Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> JuMP:                          Compat 0.8.6
>>>>>>>>> KernelDensity:                 Compat
>>>>>>>>> LaTeXStrings:                  Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> Lazy:                          Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> LegacyStrings:                 Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> Libz:                          Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> LightXML:                      Compat 0.8.3
>>>>>>>>> Lint:                          Compat 0.8.2
>>>>>>>>> Loess:                         Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> MacroTools:                    Compat
>>>>>>>>> MathProgBase:                  Compat 0.7.13
>>>>>>>>> MbedTLS:                       Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> MLBase:                        Compat
>>>>>>>>> MultivariateStats:             Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> Mustache:                      Compat 0.7.18
>>>>>>>>> NBInclude:                     Compat 0.7.9
>>>>>>>>> Nettle:                        Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> NLopt:                         Compat 0.8
>>>>>>>>> Optim:                         Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> ParserCombinator:              Compat 0.7.12
>>>>>>>>> PDMats:                        Compat
>>>>>>>>> PGFPlots:                      Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> PlotlyJS:                      Compat 0.7.16
>>>>>>>>> Plots:                         Compat
>>>>>>>>> PositiveFactorizations:        Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> ProfileView:                   Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> PyCall:                        Compat 0.7.1
>>>>>>>>> PyPlot:                        Compat 0.4
>>>>>>>>> Ratios:                        Compat
>>>>>>>>> RDatasets:                     Compat
>>>>>>>>> Reactive:                      Compat
>>>>>>>>> Reel:                          Compat
>>>>>>>>> Requests:                      Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> ReverseDiffSparse:             Compat 0.8.6
>>>>>>>>> SHA:                           Compat 0.7.9
>>>>>>>>> Showoff:                       Compat
>>>>>>>>> SIUnits:                       Compat
>>>>>>>>> SortingAlgorithms:             Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> StatsBase:                     Compat 0.8.4
>>>>>>>>> StatsFuns:                     Compat 0.7.18
>>>>>>>>> Sundials:                      Compat
>>>>>>>>> SymPy:                         Compat 0.4
>>>>>>>>> TexExtensions:                 Compat
>>>>>>>>> TextWrap:                      Compat 0.7.15
>>>>>>>>> TikzGraphs:                    Compat
>>>>>>>>> TikzPictures:                  Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> Tk:                            Compat 0.4.6
>>>>>>>>> URIParser:                     Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> VideoIO:                       Compat 0.8.7
>>>>>>>>> WebSockets:                    Compat 0.7.16
>>>>>>>>> Winston:                       Compat 0.4.4
>>>>>>>>> WoodburyMatrices:              Compat
>>>>>>>>> Zlib:                          Compat
>>>>>>>>> ZMQ:                           Compat 0.8.0
>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 8:40:37 AM UTC-7, Chris 
>>>>>>>>> Rackauckas wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Maybe one of its dependencies has a maximum version requirement?
>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 8:38:01 AM UTC-7, Tim Wheeler 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Okay, this is a little weird.
>>>>>>>>>>> If I run the following it looks like the culprit is a dirty 
>>>>>>>>>>> package:
>>>>>>>>>>> julia> Pkg.checkout("Distributions")
>>>>>>>>>>> INFO: Checking out Distributions master...
>>>>>>>>>>> INFO: Pulling Distributions latest master...
>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING: Distributions is fixed at 0.10.1+ conflicting with 
>>>>>>>>>>> requirement for GaussianMixtures: [0.0.0,0.10.0)
>>>>>>>>>>> The weird thing is that the REQUIRE file for GaussianMixtures 
>>>>>>>>>>> does not mention the 0.10.1+
>>>>>>>>>>> julia 0.3 
>>>>>>>>>>> Clustering
>>>>>>>>>>> Distributions
>>>>>>>>>>> PDMats
>>>>>>>>>>> Compat
>>>>>>>>>>> JLD
>>>>>>>>>>> Where does that come from?
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, September 6, 2016 at 8:31:44 AM UTC-7, Tim Wheeler 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Julia Users,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I just noticed something a little weird. I am using 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Distributions.jl (great package btw) in Julia 0.4.6 on Ubuntu, and 
>>>>>>>>>>>> it is 
>>>>>>>>>>>> listed in Pkg.status() as a required package:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Distributions                 0.8.9
>>>>>>>>>>>> I checked on METADATA and on the Distributions.jl github - 
>>>>>>>>>>>> there is a more recent version. In fact, there are several more 
>>>>>>>>>>>> recent 
>>>>>>>>>>>> versions.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I ran Pkg.update(), which updated some things but did not 
>>>>>>>>>>>> change Distributions.jl. Am I missing something? Is there some 
>>>>>>>>>>>> package that 
>>>>>>>>>>>> requires Distributions be less-than-current?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Tim

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