     Running your code effectively executes

@everywhere using HttpServer

This is known to generate those method redefinition warnings. The behaviour 
of using in a parallel environment is a known unresolved bug. It seems like 
the best syntax to use right now is

import HttpServer #Executed only on master process
@everywhere using HttpServer

For a more detailed discussion and links to the relevant issues on github 
see this thread 

On Friday, September 9, 2016 at 10:04:53 AM UTC-7, Adrian Salceanu wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm fumbling around with a little script with the end goal of running 
> HttpServer handlers on multiple ports, in parallel, with each handler on a 
> separate worker. 
> The code looks like this: 
> # parallel_http.jl
> using HttpServer
> function serve(port::Int)
>   http = HttpHandler() do req::Request, res::Response
>       Dates.now() |> string
>   end
>   server = Server(http)
>   run(server, port)
> end
> function run_in_parallel()
>   servers = Vector{RemoteRef}()
>   for w in workers()
>     println("About to start server on $(8000 + w)")
>     push!(servers, @spawn serve(8000 + w))
>   end
>   servers
> end
> And in the REPL, running with julia -p 2: 
> julia> @everywhere include("parallel_http.jl")
> WARNING: replacing module HttpServer
> WARNING: Method definition write(Base.IO, HttpCommon.Response) in module 
> HttpServer at /Users/adrian/.julia/v0.4/HttpServer/src/HttpServer.jl:178 
> overwritten in module HttpServer at /Users/adrian/.julia/v0.4/HttpServer/
> src/HttpServer.jl:178.
> WARNING: replacing module HttpServer
> WARNING: Method definition write(Base.IO, HttpCommon.Response) in module 
> HttpServer at /Users/adrian/.julia/v0.4/HttpServer/src/HttpServer.jl:178 
> overwritten in module HttpServer at /Users/adrian/.julia/v0.4/HttpServer/
> src/HttpServer.jl:178.
> julia> servers = run_in_parallel()
> About to start server on 8002
> About to start server on 8003
> 2-element Array{RemoteRef{T<:AbstractChannel},1}:
>   From worker 3: Listening on
>  From worker 2: Listening on
> RemoteRef{Channel{Any}}(2,1,17)
>  RemoteRef{Channel{Any}}(3,1,18)
> The WARNING seems to imply that I'm doing something wrong - but if I don't 
> run "using" on each worker, to avoid the warning, the module is not 
> available to the worker. Am i missing something? Is there a better way to 
> do this? Thanks! 

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