Yichao is right, you cannot give eigenvectors an orientation; A good way to 
think of them is as defining linear subspaces. 

So what is unique is the projector  v\|v| \otimes v/|v|  or in the case of 
multiple e-vals the  projector onto the eigenspace  \sum v_i \otimes v_i. 
But never the e-evecs themselves. 

On Saturday, 10 September 2016 17:20:25 UTC+1, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> Just a question from a non-mathematician.  Also, this is a math 
> question, not a Julia/Matlab question. 
> I agree that Matlab and Julia are both correct -- within the 
> definitions of eigenvector and eigenvalue they compute, it's OK that 
> one eigenvector differes between the two by a factor -1.  They're 
> probably calling the same library anyway. 
> However, from a physics perspective, this bugs me.  In physics, an 
> important feature of a space is its orientation.  For example, 
> physics and engineering undergrads learn early on about about the 
> "right-hand rule" for taking cross products of vectors.  This type of 
> product imposes an orientation (or chirality) on the vector space 
> under consideration.  Real mathematicians may be familiar with 
> the wedge product in exterior algebra, which (I belive) also imposes 
> an orientation on a vector space.  Wikipedia says: 
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orientation_(vector_space) 
> The problem I have with Julia and Matlab returning a set of 
> eigenvectors where only one eigenvector is the negative of the other 
> is that the two eigenvector sets span spaces of opposite 
> orientation, so the returns are -- in some sense -- not the same. 
> So my question:  Is there anything like a set of "oriented" 
> eigenvectors?  Is this even possible?  Or am I totally wrong, and 
> the two different sets of eigenvectors span the same space independent 
> of concerns about orientation? 
> Stuart 
> On Sat, 10 Sep 2016, Tracy Wadleigh wrote: 
> > Looks good to me. The eigenvalues look the same up to the precision 
> shown 
> > and eigenvectors are only unique up to a scalar multiple. 
> > 
> > On Sep 10, 2016 8:11 AM, "Dennis Eckmeier" < 
> > dennis....@neuro.fchampalimaud.org <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> >> Hi! 
> >> 
> >> Here is a simple example: 
> >> 
> >> *Matlab:* 
> >> (all types are double) 
> >>  covX(1:4,1:4) 
> >> 
> >>   1.0e+006 * 
> >> 
> >>     3.8626    3.4157    2.4049    1.2403 
> >>     3.4157    3.7375    3.3395    2.3899 
> >>     2.4049    3.3395    3.7372    3.4033 
> >>     1.2403    2.3899    3.4033    3.8548 
> >> 
> >> [V,D] = eig(covX(1:4,1:4)) 
> >> 
> >> V = 
> >> 
> >>     0.2583    0.5402   -0.6576    0.4571 
> >>    -0.6622   -0.4518   -0.2557    0.5404 
> >>     0.6565   -0.4604    0.2552    0.5403 
> >>    -0.2525    0.5404    0.6611    0.4551 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> D = 
> >> 
> >>   1.0e+007 * 
> >> 
> >>     0.0006         0         0         0 
> >>          0    0.0197         0         0 
> >>          0         0    0.3010         0 
> >>          0         0         0    1.1978 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> *Julia:* 
> >> (all types are Float 64) 
> >> *D = * 
> >> *5759.7016...* 
> >> *197430.4962...* 
> >> *3.0104794 ... e6* 
> >> *1.1978 ... e7* 
> >> 
> >> V = 
> >>    0.2583    0.5402    -0.6576     *-0.4571* 
> >>    -0.6622   -0.4518   -0.2557    *-0.5404* 
> >>     0.6565   -0.4604    0.2552    *-0.5403* 
> >>    -0.2525    0.5404    0.6611    *-0.4551* 
> >> 
> >> cheers, 
> >> 
> >> D 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 12:48:17 PM UTC+1, Michele Zaffalon 
> >> wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>> You mean they are not simply permuted? Can you report the MATLAB and 
> >>> Julia results in the two cases for a small covX matrix? 
> >>> 
> >>> On Sat, Sep 10, 2016 at 1:34 PM, Dennis Eckmeier < 
> >>> dennis....@neuro.fchampalimaud.org> wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>>> Hi, 
> >>>> 
> >>>> I am new to Julia and rather lay in math. For practice, I am 
> translating 
> >>>> a Matlab script (written by somebody else) and compare the result of 
> each 
> >>>> step in Matlab and Julia. 
> >>>> 
> >>>> The Matlab script uses  [V,D] = eig(covX); 
> >>>> 
> >>>> which I translated to Julia as: (D,V) = eig(covX) 
> >>>> 
> >>>> However, the outcomes don't match, although covX is the same. 
> >>>> 
> >>>> D. 
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>> 
> > 

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