yes and yes (that was the previous error message I posted)

maybe it is just some dependencies that are not correctly installed? But 
then why does it both fail in REPL and NB  ?

On Sunday, 11 September 2016 02:08:53 UTC+1, Chris Rackauckas wrote:
> Is this after updating? Do you also have an error when you do it from the 
> On Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 2:34:03 PM UTC-7, Christoph Ortner 
> wrote:
>> And here the error message I get in a notebook:
>> type Array has no field func
>>  in 
>> (::ProfileView.#printrec#26{Dict{UInt64,Array{StackFrame,1}}})(::IOContext{Base.AbstractIOBuffer{Array{UInt8,1}}},
>>  ::Int64, ::Float64, ::Float64, ::Float64, ::ProfileView.TagData, 
>> ::ColorTypes.RGB{FixedPointNumbers.UFixed{UInt8,8}}) at 
>> /Users/ortner/.julia/v0.5/ProfileView/src/ProfileView.jl:213
>>  in show(::IOContext{Base.AbstractIOBuffer{Array{UInt8,1}}}, 
>> ::MIME{Symbol("image/svg+xml")}, ::ProfileView.ProfileData) at 
>> /Users/ortner/.julia/v0.5/ProfileView/src/ProfileView.jl:255
>>  in verbose_show(::Base.AbstractIOBuffer{Array{UInt8,1}}, 
>> ::MIME{Symbol("image/svg+xml")}, ::ProfileView.ProfileData) at 
>> ./multimedia.jl:50
>>  in #sprint#304(::Void, ::Function, ::Int64, ::Function, 
>> ::MIME{Symbol("image/svg+xml")}, ::Vararg{Any,N}) at ./strings/io.jl:37
>>  in display_dict(::ProfileView.ProfileData) at 
>> /Users/ortner/.julia/v0.5/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:28
>>  in execute_request(::ZMQ.Socket, ::IJulia.Msg) at 
>> /Users/ortner/.julia/v0.5/IJulia/src/execute_request.jl:195
>>  in eventloop(::ZMQ.Socket) at 
>> /Users/ortner/.julia/v0.5/IJulia/src/IJulia.jl:138
>>  in (::IJulia.##25#31)() at ./task.jl:360
>> In [ ]:

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