I' m in favor of this. In fact I asked for the same thing 
in https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/julia-users/3g8zXaXfQqk although 
in a more cryptic way :)

BTW: java already has something like this:  next to the 2 big standard 
distributions javaSE & javaEE (there's also a third specialized javaME but 
that's paying and incompatibel), there are now more fine grained 
distributions called "profiles". In java 9 with modules it will be even 
easier to create more profiles/distributions.

On Tuesday, September 13, 2016 at 10:39:15 AM UTC+2, Chris Rackauckas wrote:
> I think one major point of contention when talking about what should be 
> included in Base due to competing factors:
>    1. Some people would like a "lean Base" for things like embedded 
>    installs or other low memory applications
>    2. Some people want a MATLAB-like "bells and whistles" approach. This 
>    way all the functions they use are just there: no extra packages to 
>    find/import.
>    3. Some people like having things in Base because it "standardizes" 
>    things. 
>    4. Putting things in Base constrains their release schedule. 
>    5. Putting things in packages outside of JuliaLang helps free up 
>    Travis.
> The last two concerns have been why things like JuliaMath have sprung up 
> to move things out of Base. However, I think there is some credibility to 
> having some form of standardization. I think this can be achieved through 
> some kind of standard library. This would entail a set of packages which 
> are installed when Julia is installed, and a set of packages which add 
> their using statement to the .juliarc. To most users this would be 
> seamless: they would install automatically, and every time you open Julia, 
> they would import automatically. There are a few issues there:
>    1.  This wouldn't work with building from source. This idea works 
>    better for binaries (this is no biggie since these users are likely more 
>    experienced anyways)
>    2. Julia would have to pick winners and losers.
> That second part is big: what goes into the standard library? Would all of 
> the MATLAB functions like linspace, find, etc. go there? Would the sparse 
> matrix library be included?
> I think one way to circumvent the second issue would be to allow for Julia 
> Distributions. A distribution would be defined by:
>    1. A Julia version
>    2. A List of packages to install (with versions?)
>    3. A build script
>    4. A .juliarc
> The ideal would be for one to be able to make an executable from those 
> parts which would install the Julia version with the specified packages, 
> build the packages (and maybe modify some environment variables / 
> defaults), and add a .juliarc that would automatically import some packages 
> / maybe define some constants or checkout branches. JuliaLang could then 
> provide a lean distribution and a "standard distribution" where the 
> standard distribution is a more curated library which people can fight 
> about, but it's not as big of a deal if anyone can make their own. This has 
> many upsides:
>    1. Julia wouldn't have to come with what you don't want.
>    2. Other than some edge cases where the advantages of Base come into 
>    play (I don't know of a good example, but I know there are some things 
>    which can't be defined outside of Base really well, like BigFloats? I'm 
> not 
>    the expert on this.), most things could spawn out to packages without the 
>    standard user ever noticing.
>    3. There would still be a large set of standard functions you can 
>    assume most people will have.
>    4. You can share Julia setups: for example, with my lab I would share 
>    a distribution that would have all of the JuliaDiffEq packages installed, 
>    along with Plots.jl and some backends, so that way it would be "in the box 
>    solve differential equations and plot" setup like what MATLAB provides. I 
>    could pick packages/versions that I know work well together, 
>    and guarantee their install will work. 
>    5. You could write tutorials / run workshops which use a distribution, 
>    knowing that a given set of packages will be available.
>    6. Anyone could make their setup match yours by looking at the 
>    distribution setup scripts (maybe just make a base function which runs 
> that 
>    install since it would all be in Julia). This would be nice for some work 
>    in progress projects which require checking out master on 3 different 
>    packages, and getting some weird branch for another 5. I would give you a 
>    succinct and standardized way to specify an install to get there.
> Side notes:
> [An interesting distribution would be that JuliaGPU could provide a full 
> distribution for which CUDAnative works (since it requires a different 
> Julia install)]
> [A "Data Science Distribution" would be a cool idea: you'd never want to 
> include all of the plotting and statistical things inside of Base, but 
> someone pointing out what all of the "good" packages are that play nice 
> with each other would be very helpful.]
> [What if the build script could specify a library path, so that way it can 
> install a setup which doesn't interfere with a standard Julia install?]
> This is not without downsides. Indeed, one place where you can look is 
> Python. Python has distributions, but one problem with them is that 
> packages don't tend to play nice with all distributions. This leads to 
> fragmenting in the package sphere. Also, since it's not explicit on where 
> the packages come from, it may be harder to find documentation (however, 
> maybe Documenter.jl automatically adding links to the documentation in 
> docstrings could fix this?). Also, there's a good reason to ask "why fuss 
> with distributions when anyone could just add the packages and add the 
> import statements to their .juliarc?" (though its target audience is for 
> people who don't know details like the .juliarc, but also want Julia to 
> work seamlessly like MATLAB).
> This could be a terrible idea, I don't know. But sharing an idea with the 
> internet is a great way to find out. But I think at least the idea is a 
> step in the right direction, if not in details.

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