The first style is fine as objects are passed by reference, i.e. there
are not copies made.

On Thu, 2016-09-15 at 20:15, Nathan Smith wrote:
> Hi
> I'm looking for some advice for some on writing methods on large (memory-wise)
> data types. Is there an overhead difference in the following two methods?
> type State
>  hugearray1::Array{Float64, 2}
>  hugearray2::Array{Float64, 2}
>  ... # Many more components
> end
> function style1!(s::State)
>   complicated_function(s.hugearray1)
> end
> function style2!(arr::Array{Float64, 2})
>   complicated_function(arr)
> end
> # difference in calls:
> s = State(arr1, arr2, ...)
> style1!(s)          # Pretty but is it slower?
> style2!(s.hugearray1)    # Ugly but is it faster?
> Basically, is there an overhead in throwing the whole state datatype into a
> function even if i only manipulate one or two of the potentially large amount
> of components or should I be making functions in the second style where
> arguments are exactly of the type of the components being manipulated.
> Thanks!
> Nathan
> ps: sorry for the double post, I hit enter before I finished writing..

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