Hello colleague,

On Monday, September 26, 2016 at 12:50:44 AM UTC+2, Cedric St-Jean wrote:
> I faced very similar issues with ClobberingReload.jl. 
> https://github.com/cstjean/ClobberingReload.jl/blob/master/src/ClobberingReload.jl
>  Check 
> out parse_file (courtesy of @stevengj), parse_module, and creload. I 
> haven't "expanded" the includes, but it seems straight-forward to do with a 
> comprehension.

Thank you. I shortlisted the 'reload' mechanisms anyway, but 
ClobberingReload seems new. Actually i was wondering, if i'm the first one 
to look into code instrumentation. This should be really straight forward 
in julia (i did it once in f77 and that clearly not straight forward...).

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