And just to be clear, by "current scope" here I mean the scope of where the 
code from this macro is getting "pasted", not the macro scope. 

On Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at 11:28:40 AM UTC+2, Marius Millea wrote:
> Hi, is there a way to "eval" something in the current scope? My problem is 
> the following, I've written a macro that, inside the returned expression, 
> builds an expression which I need to eval. It looks like this,
> macro foo()
>     quote
>         ex = ...
>         eval_in_current_scope(ex)
>     end
> end
> Now, you might say I'm using macros wrong and I should just be doing,
> macro foo()
>     ex = ...
> end
> but in this case when I build "ex", it needs to occur at runtime since it 
> depends on some things only available then. So is there any way to go about 
> this? Thanks. 

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