On Fri, 2016-09-30 at 03:45, Andrew <owen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I checked, and my objective function is evaluated exactly as many times
> under 0.4 as it is under 0.5. The number of iterations must be the same.
> I also looked at the times more precisely. For one particular function call
> in the code, I have:
> 0.4 with old code: 6.7s 18.5M allocations
> 0.4 with 0.5 style code(regular anonymous functions) 11.6s, 141M
> allocations
> 0.5: 36.2s, 189M allocations
> Surprisingly, 0.4 is still much faster even without the fast anonymous
> functions trick. It doesn't look like 0.5 is generating many more
> allocations than 0.4 on the same code, the time is just a lot slower.

Sounds like your not far off a minimal, working example.  Post it and
I'm sure it will be dissected in no time. (And an issue can be filed).

> On Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 3:36:46 PM UTC-4, Tim Holy wrote:
>> No real clue about what's happening, but my immediate thought was that if
>> your algorithm is iterative and uses some kind of threshold to decide
>> convergence, then it seems possible that a change in the accuracy of some
>> computation might lead to it getting "stuck" occasionally due to roundoff
>> error. That's probably more likely to happen because of some kind of
>> worsening rather than some improvement, but either is conceivable.
>> If that's even a possible explanation, I'd check for unusually-large
>> numbers of iterations and then print some kind of convergence info.
>> Best,
>> --Tim
>> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 1:21 PM, Andrew <owe...@gmail.com <javascript:>>
>> wrote:
>>> In the 0.4 version the above times are pretty consistent. I never observe
>>> any several thousand allocation calls. I wonder if compilation is occurring
>>> repeatedly.
>>> This isn't terribly pressing for me since I'm not currently working on
>>> this project, but if there's an easy fix it would be useful for future work.
>>> (sorry I didn't mean to post twice. For some reason hitting spacebar was
>>> interpreted as the post command?)
>>> On Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 2:15:35 PM UTC-4, Andrew wrote:
>>>> I've used @code_warntype everywhere I can think to and I've only found
>>>> one Core.box. The @code_warntype looks like this
>>>> Variables:
>>>>   #self#::#innerloop#3133{#bellman_obj}
>>>>   state::State{IdioState,AggState}
>>>>   EVspline::Dierckx.Spline1D
>>>>   model::Model{CRRA_Family,AggState}
>>>>   policy::PolicyFunctions{Array{Float64,6},Array{Int64,6}}
>>>>   OO::NW
>>>> #3130::##3130#3134{State{IdioState,AggState},Dierckx.Spline1D,Model{CRRA_Family,AggState},PolicyFunctions{Array{Float64,6},Array{Int64,6}},NW,#bellman_obj}
>>>> Body:
>>>>   begin
>>>> #3130::##3130#3134{State{IdioState,AggState},Dierckx.Spline1D,Model{CRRA_Family,AggState},PolicyFunctions{Array{Float64,6},Array{Int64,6}},NW,#bellman_obj}
>>>> = $(Expr(:new,
>>>> ##3130#3134{State{IdioState,AggState},Dierckx.Spline1D,Model{CRRA_Family,AggState},PolicyFunctions{Array{Float64,6},Array{Int64,6}},NW,#bellman_obj},
>>>> :(state), :(EVspline), :(model), :(policy), :(OO),
>>>> :((Core.getfield)(#self#,:bellman_obj)::#bellman_obj)))
>>>>       SSAValue(0) =
>>>> #3130::##3130#3134{State{IdioState,AggState},Dierckx.Spline1D,Model{CRRA_Family,AggState},PolicyFunctions{Array{Float64,6},Array{Int64,6}},NW,#bellman_obj}
>>>> (Core.setfield!)((Core.getfield)(#self#::#innerloop#3133{#bellman_obj},:obj)::CORE.BOX,:contents,SSAValue(0))::##3130#3134{State{IdioState,AggState},Dierckx.Spline1D,Model{CRRA_Family,AggState},PolicyFunctions{Array{Float64,6},Array{Int64,6}},NW,#bellman_obj}
>>>>       return SSAValue(0)
>>>> end::##3130#3134{State{IdioState,AggState},Dierckx.Spline1D,Model{CRRA_Family,AggState},PolicyFunctions{Array{Float64,6},Array{Int64,6}},NW,#bellman_obj}
>>>> I put the CORE.BOX in all caps near the bottom.
>>>> I have no idea if this is actually a problem. The return type is stable.
>>>> Also, this function appears in an outer loop.
>>>> What I noticed putting a @time in places is that in 0.5, occasionally
>>>> calls to my nonlinear equation solver take a really long time, like here:
>>>>   0.069224 seconds (9.62 k allocations: 487.873 KB)
>>>>   0.000007 seconds (39 allocations: 1.922 KB)
>>>>   0.000006 seconds (29 allocations: 1.391 KB)
>>>>   0.000011 seconds (74 allocations: 3.781 KB)
>>>>   0.000009 seconds (54 allocations: 2.719 KB)
>>>>   0.000008 seconds (54 allocations: 2.719 KB)
>>>>   0.000008 seconds (49 allocations: 2.453 KB)
>>>>   0.000007 seconds (44 allocations: 2.188 KB)
>>>>   0.000007 seconds (44 allocations: 2.188 KB)
>>>>   0.000006 seconds (39 allocations: 1.922 KB)
>>>>   0.000007 seconds (39 allocations: 1.922 KB)
>>>>   0.000006 seconds (39 allocations: 1.922 KB)
>>>>   0.000005 seconds (34 allocations: 1.656 KB)
>>>>   0.000005 seconds (34 allocations: 1.656 KB)
>>>>   0.000004 seconds (29 allocations: 1.391 KB)
>>>>   0.000004 seconds (24 allocations: 1.125 KB)
>>>>   0.007399 seconds (248 allocations: 15.453 KB)
>>>>   0.000009 seconds (30 allocations: 1.594 KB)
>>>>   0.000004 seconds (25 allocations: 1.328 KB)
>>>>   0.000004 seconds (25 allocations: 1.328 KB)
>>>>   0.000010 seconds (70 allocations: 3.719 KB)
>>>>   0.072703 seconds (41.74 k allocations: 1.615 MB)
>>>> On Thursday, September 29, 2016 at 1:37:18 AM UTC-4, Kristoffer Carlsson
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Look for Core.Box in @code_warntype. See
>>>>> https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/15276

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