The Plots convention is to set the actual number in the "lims" attribute,
*not* the exponent.  Do "xlims = (1e-3, 1e2)"

However, it seems like the PlotlyJS backend doesn't handle this properly...
I'll have to look into it.

Also, for anyone else, the best venue for quick questions like this is in
the Plots gitter:   There are usually
several people ready to answer questions.

On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 2:41 PM, r5823 <> wrote:

> When I call:
> using Plots
> plotlyjs()
> plot(
> xlims = (0,2),
> xscale = :log10,
> )
> I get a plot where the xaxis is log scale and ranges from 1 to 100, as I
> would expect. However, if I call:
> plot(
> xlims = (-3,2),
> xscale = :log10,
> )
> I do not get a plot where the xaxis is log scale and ranges from 0.001 to
> 100, as I would have expected. Instead I get a domain error. Is this a bug?

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