ok i found the conversation here:


On Thursday, 13 October 2016 15:45:23 UTC+2, Florian Oswald wrote:
> I mean, do I have to cycle through the array and basically clean it of 
> #NULL before findign the maximium or is there another way?
> On Thursday, 13 October 2016 15:42:02 UTC+2, Florian Oswald wrote:
>> i'm trying to understand why we don't have something similar in terms of 
>> comparison for Nullable as we have for DataArrays NAtype (below). point me 
>> to the relevant github conversation, if any, is fine. 
>> How would I implement methods to find the maximium of an 
>> Array{Nullable{Float64}}? like so?
>> Base.isless(a::Any, x::Nullable{Float64}) = isnull(x) ? true : 
>> Base.isless(a,get(x))
>> ~/.julia/v0.5/DataArrays/src/operators.jl:502
>> #
>> # Comparison operators
>> #
>> Base.isequal(::NAtype, ::NAtype) = true
>> Base.isequal(::NAtype, b) = false
>> Base.isequal(a, ::NAtype) = false
>> Base.isless(::NAtype, ::NAtype) = false
>> Base.isless(::NAtype, b) = false
>> Base.isless(a, ::NAtype) = true

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