I would add the general comment that in julia 0.5 you can use Gallium to 
step into a call to a base function and explore what's actually being 
called. For the .< example, from the julia prompt:

using Gallium
@enter 0.4 .< 0.5

@enter 0.4 .< 0.5 
In operators.jl:159 
158 .!=(x::Number,y::Number) = x != y 
159 .<( x::Real,y::Real) = x < y 
160 .<=(x::Real,y::Real) = x <= y 
161 const .≤ = .<= 
About to run: (<)(0.4,0.5)

For your problem, checking the documentation seems like a better place to 
start than firing up the debugger but it's another good tool to have in the 


On Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 4:02:21 PM UTC-7, Colin Bowers wrote:
> This was a very helpful answer. Thank you very much for responding.
> Cheers,
> Colin
> On 16 October 2016 at 20:23, Milan Bouchet-Valat <nali...@club.fr 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Le samedi 15 octobre 2016 à 20:36 -0700, colint...@gmail.com 
>> <javascript:> a
>> écrit :
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > Twice now I've thought I had overloaded the appropriate functions for
>> > a new type, only to observe apparent inconsistencies in the way the
>> > new type behaves. Of course, there were no inconsistencies. Instead,
>> > the observed behaviour stemmed from overloading a function that is
>> > not at the bottom of the function chain. The two examples where I
>> > stuffed up were:
>> >
>> > 1) overloading Base.< instead of overloading Base.isless, and
>> In this case, the help is quite explicit:
>> help?> <
>> search: < <= << <: .< .<= .<<
>>   <(x, y)
>>   Less-than comparison operator. New numeric types should implement this
>>   function for two arguments of the new type. Because of the behavior of
>>   floating-point NaN values, < implements a partial order. Types with a
>>   canonical partial order should implement <, and types with a canonical 
>> total
>>   order should implement isless.
>> > 2) overloading Base.string(x) instead of overloading Base.show(io,
>> > x).
>> This one is a bit trickier, since the printing code is complex, and not
>> completely stabilized yet. Though the help still gives some hints:
>> help?> string
>> search: string String stringmime Cstring Cwstring RevString RepString
>> readstring
>>   string(xs...)
>>   Create a string from any values using the print function.
>> So the more fundamental function to override is print(). The help for
>> print() says it falls back to show() if there's no print() method for a
>> given type. So if you don't have a special need for print(), override
>> show().
>> > My question is this: What is the communities best solution/resource
>> > for knowing which functions are at the bottom of the chain and thus
>> > are the ones that need to be overloaded for a new type?
>> In general, look at the help for a function. If there's no answer
>> (which is a most likely a lack in the documentation which should be
>> reported), look for it in the manual. The latter can always be useful,
>> even if the help already gives a reply.
>> But documentation is perfectible, so do not hesitate to ask questions
>> and suggest enhancements (ideally via pull requests when you have found
>> out how it works).
>> Regards
>> > Cheers and thanks in advance to all repsonders,
>> >
>> > Colin

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