Firstly, don't benchmark in global scope, put things in functions. 
Secondly, see for .+ and 

On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 10:55:25 PM UTC+2, Alexey Cherkaev wrote:
> Hi all!
> Consider example:
> # collect to produce vectors - not strictly necessary though
> y = collect(linspace(0.0, 1.0, 1000))
> z = collect(linspace(0.5,3.0, 1000))
> x = zeros(Float64, 1000)
> If I do
> @time x .= sin.(y)
> The timing output is
>   0.000057 seconds (7 allocations: 208 bytes)
> So, OK, no, let’s call it, “real” allocation. However, if I do:
> @time x .= cos.(sin.(y))
> I get
>   0.018246 seconds (7.16 k allocations: 322.747 KB)
> Or
> @time x .= sin.(y) .+ cos.(z)
>   0.000376 seconds (63 allocations: 25.984 KB)
> Better, but still 26 KB allocated! I was under impression that .-operations 
> fuse, producing no intermediate arrays. Am I wrong?
> ​

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