Hi Joaquim,

The *jumppoly* parameter to randjump is a string which depends on the 
specific parameters of the MersenneTwister. By default Julia uses the 19937 
parameters in SFMT. To calculate these strings a utility was (or is still) 
supplied with SFMT called calc-jump. Its homepage is 
http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/SFMT/JUMP/ . Compiling it 
is possible (I've managed to do so now), and then the command:
./calc-jump 100000000000000000000 poly.19937.txt
outputs the jumppoly used by Julia to setup multiple "independent" random 
generators (10^20 steps apart in the generator).
The smallest jump, by 1 step has the simple jumppoly equal to the string 
Finally, note that the Julia random generator can get two Float64s from 
each step of the Twister, and there is also a cache of about 382 Float64s, 
so jumping the Twister will not influence the generated random unless the 
cache is cleared and getting to the right position might require a *2 
To setup a fixed *jumppoly* parameter of your choice, you should be able to 
use calc-jump. To do it dynamically in Julia would require ccall-ing the 
SFMT routine in SFMT Jump which is not too hard as well.

G'day, Dan Getz
On Friday, October 21, 2016 at 3:43:05 AM UTC+3, Joaquim Masset Lacombe 
Dias Garcia wrote:
> Hi,
> Have anybody implemented an arbitrary jump ahead for Mersenne Twister in 
> julia?
> I saw that the randjump documentation that goes as following:
> randjump(*r::MersenneTwister*, *jumps*[, *jumppoly*]) → 
> Vector{MersenneTwister}
> Create an array of the size jumps of initialized MersenneTwister RNG 
> objects where the first RNG object given as a parameter and following 
> MersenneTwister RNGs in the array initialized such that a state of the 
> RNG object in the array would be moved forward (without generating numbers) 
> from a previous RNG object array element on a particular number of steps 
> encoded by the jump polynomial jumppoly
> Given that, my question would reduce to: how do I encode an arbitrary 
> number of step (N) in a *jumppoly* ?
> thanks!

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