On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 1:22 PM, 中山慎太郎 <nky...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to ccall my DLL as follows :
> function start(args :: Array{String, 1})
>     return ccall((:TestFunction, "mydll.dll"), Int32, (Int32,
> Ptr{Ptr{UInt8}}), length(args), args)
> end
> The C declaration is as follows :
> extern int TestFunction(int argc, char * argv[]);
> The problem is path in argv is escaped in strange way.
> When args is ["C:\\Users\\aaa\\bbb"], TestFunction() receives
> "C:\\Users\\aaa\\bbb". Backslashes are repeated.
> When args is ["C:/Users/aaa/bbb"], TestFunction receives
> "C:\/Users\/aaa\/bbb". Slashes are escaped by backslashes.
> When args is ["C:\Users\aaa\bbb"], Julia says "ERROR: syntax: invalid escape
> sequence".
> Could you please tell me how I can pass correct path string to my DLL ?
> The Julia version is 0.5.0
> Thank you in advance.

How are you examining it in the C code?

> Nakayama Shintaro

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