On Monday, October 24, 2016, Angel de Vicente <
angel.vicente.garr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't see it in the documentation, but I'm wondering if there is a way
> to have named nested loops, so that one can specify those names to break
> and continue, in order to have more control.
> In the following examples, continue always skips the remaining loop for
> j, while break terminates the j loop in the first example and terminates
> the single outer loop in the second (I guess it can be a bit confusing
> at first, but I can understand the design).
> ,----
> | println("nested")
> | for i in 1:3
> |     for j in 1:6
> |         if 2 < j < 4 continue end
> |         if j > 5 break end
> |         @printf("i: %i j: %i \n",i,j)
> |     end
> | end
> |
> | println("single outer loop")
> | for i in 1:3, j in 1:6
> |     if 2 < j < 4 continue end
> |     if j > 5 break end
> |     @printf("i: %i j: %i \n",i,j)
> | end
> `----
> But I'm used to Fortran, where one can do things like this (CYCLE ==
> continue ; EXIT == break), and you specify the loop that the instruction
> applies to.
> ,----
> |   INA: DO a = 1,1000
> |     INB: DO b=a+1,1000
> |         IF (a+b .GT. 1000) CYCLE INA
> |         INC: DO c=b+1,1000
> |            IF (a+b+c .GT. 1000) CYCLE INB
> |            IF (a+b+c .EQ. 1000 .AND. a**2 + b**2 .EQ. c**2) THEN
> |               PRINT*, a*b*c
> |               EXIT INA
> |            END IF
> |         END DO INC
> |      END DO INB
> |   END DO INA
> `----
> Is it possible now (or in the near future) to have named nested loops in
> Julia?

No, and I'm not aware of any plan to support this. But you can create
custom control flow with '@goto', so it could be probably be done with a

> Thanks,
> --
> Ángel de Vicente
> http://www.iac.es/galeria/angelv/

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