
Isaiah Norton <isaiah.nor...@gmail.com> writes:
>     mg = zeros(Int,(0:4,0:4))
> This isn't related to indexing -- it doesn't work with `1:4`
> either. 

But it doesn't complain if I do:
| julia> mg=zeros(Int,(0:4))
| 5-element Array{Int64,1}:
|  0
|  0
|  0
|  0
|  0

(though then I cannot access mg[0], the indices would go as for a
standard Julia array, 1 to 5.

> Use:
> zeros(Int, 4, 4)

Probably I'm missing something very basic, but then I would just have a
normal array, where the indices would go from 1:4, in each dimension. 

In the page on "Arrays with custom indices" I don't see any clear
example, so I'm a bit lost as to how I could create an array wih
non-standard inidces and how to use it. Any basic example would be
greatly appreciated.

Thanks and sorry if I'm asking very basic questions, I just had a week
or so of exposure to Julia...
Ángel de Vicente

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