Sorry again. But it is 64bit windows version just started in cygwin. I 
didn't think it makes any difference though....
However the behaviour seems different:
When I start the Julia Repl command window directly I dont even get that 
far that Nemo is eventually installed: Following the steps prodived by 
Jeffrey Sarnoff I get when building:
INFO: Building Nemo
WARNING: `@windows` is deprecated, use `@static is_windows()` instead
 in depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at .\deprecated.jl:64
 in @windows(::Any, ::Any) at .\deprecated.jl:472
 in include_from_node1(::String) at .\loading.jl:488
 in evalfile(::String, ::Array{String,1}) at .\loading.jl:504 (repeats 2 
 in cd(::##2#4, ::String) at .\file.jl:48
 in (::##1#3)(::IOStream) at .\none:13
 in open(::##1#3, ::String, ::String) at .\iostream.jl:113
 in eval(::Module, ::Any) at .\boot.jl:234
 in process_options(::Base.JLOptions) at .\client.jl:239
 in _start() at .\client.jl:318
while loading C:\Users\Diger\.julia\v0.5\Nemo\deps\build.jl, in expression 
starting on line 1
ERROR: Nemo 

LoadError: chdir C:\Users\Diger\.julia\v0.5\Nemo\deps\antic: no such file 
or directory (ENOENT)
while loading C:\Users\Diger\.julia\v0.5\Nemo\deps\build.jl, in expression 
starting on line 121



WARNING: Nemo had build errors.

 - packages with build errors remain installed in C:\Users\Diger\.julia\v0.5
 - build the package(s) and all dependencies with `"Nemo")`
 - build a single package by running its `deps/build.jl` script


Starting Julia within cygwin however goes through all the steps described 
by J. Sarnoff...(the warnings and so on...)
This was nevertheless ever an issue: I did get it installed that way 
It is just within Nemo (which seems to start properly) where I still cannot 
run the command
or likewise for an AcbField...
julia> r(1)
ERROR: error compiling ArbField: error compiling Type: could not load 
library "libarb"

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