I'm trying to parse a text file which contains some floating point numbers. 
 The number 2.5 is represented by the string "\x002\0.\x005\0".  Parse will 
not convert this to a Float64.  Print works (prints "2.5") in Atom and 
Jupyter, but not in the REPL.

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julia> print("\x002\0.\x005\0")
julia> parse(Float64,"\x002\0.\x005\0")
ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid number format "\x002\0.\x005\0" for Float64
in parse(::Type{Float64}, ::String) at .\parse.jl:167


I am not familiar with Unicode.  Is the Unicode valid?  How should I 
convert this to a Float?  I do not have control over the input file.


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