(you may like that visual noise if the code finds more than 1 year's use)
Which matters more to you saving time or saving space?

On Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 4:39:33 AM UTC-4, Martin Florek wrote:
> Thnaks, It is true, but when I apply @benchmark v3 is 6 times slower as 
> v1, also has a large allocation and I do not want it. For me speed is 
> important and v3 is not without visual noise, too. Any more thoughts?
> ben1 = @benchmark mapeBase_v1(a,f)
> BenchmarkTools.Trial: 
>   samples:          848
>   evals/sample:     1
>   time tolerance:   5.00%
>   memory tolerance: 1.00%
>   memory estimate:  32.00 bytes
>   allocs estimate:  1
>   minimum time:     4.35 ms (0.00% GC)
>   median time:      5.87 ms (0.00% GC)
>   mean time:        5.89 ms (0.00% GC)
>   maximum time:     7.57 ms (0.00% GC)
> ben2 = @benchmark mapeBase_v3(a,f)
> BenchmarkTools.Trial: 
>   samples:          145
>   evals/sample:     1
>   time tolerance:   5.00%
>   memory tolerance: 1.00%
>   memory estimate:  977.03 kb
>   allocs estimate:  14
>   minimum time:     32.69 ms (0.00% GC)
>   median time:      33.91 ms (0.00% GC)
>   mean time:        34.55 ms (0.10% GC)
>   maximum time:     49.03 ms (3.25% GC)
> On Tuesday, 25 October 2016 09:43:20 UTC+2, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
>> This may do what you want.
>> function mapeBase_v3(actuals::Vector{Float64}, forecasts::Vector{Float64})
>> # actuals - actual target values
>> # forecasts - forecasts (model estimations)
>>   sum_reldiffs = sumabs((x - y) / x for (x, y) in zip(actuals, forecasts) if 
>> x != 0.0)  # Generator
>>   count_zeros = sum( map(x->(x==0.0), actuals) )
>>   count_nonzeros = length(actuals) - count_zeros
>>   sum_reldiffs, count_nonzeros
>> end
>> On Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 3:15:54 AM UTC-4, Martin Florek wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm new in Julia and I'm doing refactoring. I have the following 
>>> function:
>>> function mapeBase_v1(A::Vector{Float64}, F::Vector{Float64})
>>>   s = 0.0
>>>   count = 0
>>>   for i in 1:length(A)
>>>     if(A[i] != 0.0)
>>>       s += abs( (A[i] - F[i]) / A[i])
>>>       count += 1
>>>     end
>>>   end
>>>   s, count 
>>> end   
>>> I'm looking for a simpler variant which is as follows:
>>> function mapeBase_v2(A::Vector{Float64}, F::Vector{Float64})
>>> # A - actual target values
>>> # F - forecasts (model estimations)
>>>   s = sumabs((x - y) / x for (x, y) in zip(A, F) if x != 0) # Generator
>>>   count = length(A) # ???
>>>   s, countend
>>> However with this variant can not determine the number of non-zero 
>>> elements. I found option with length(A[A .!= 0.0]), but it has a large 
>>> allocation. Please, someone knows a solution with generator, or variant v1 
>>> is very good choice?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Martin

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