To answer your question #1, would the following be suitable?  There may be 
a couple details to work out but what about the general approach?

if haskey(Pkg.installed(), "ParallelAccelerator")
    println("ParallelAccelerator present")

    using ParallelAccelerator

    macro PkgCheck(ast)
            @acc $(esc(ast))
    println("ParallelAccelerator not present")

    macro PkgCheck(ast)
        return ast

@PkgCheck function f1(x)
    x * 5

a = f1(10)
println("a = ", a)

2) The point of ParallelAccelerator is to extract the implicit parallelism 
automatically.  The purpose of @threads is to allow you to express 
parallelism explicitly.  So, they both enable parallelism but the former 
has the potential to be a lot easier to use particularly for scientific 
programmers who are more scientist than programmer.  In general, I feel 
there is room for all approaches to be supported across a range of 
programming ability.  

On Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 10:47:57 AM UTC-7, Chris Rackauckas wrote:
> Thank you for all of your amazing work. I will be giving v0.2 a try soon. 
> But I have two questions:
> 1) How do you see ParallelAccelerator integrating with packages? I asked 
> this in the chatroom, but I think having it here might be helpful for 
> others to chime in. If I want to use ParallelAccelerator in a package, then 
> it seems like I would have to require it (and make sure that every user I 
> have can compile it!) and sprinkle the macros around. Is there some 
> sensible way to be able to use ParallelAccelerator if it's available on the 
> user's machine, but not otherwise? This might be something that requires 
> Pkg3, but even with Pkg3 I don't see how to do this without having one 
> version of the function with a macro, and another without it.
> 2) What do you see as the future of ParallelAccelerator going forward? It 
> seems like Base Julia is stepping all over your domain: automated loop 
> fusing, multithreading, etc. What exactly does ParallelAccelerator give 
> that Base Julia does not or, in the near future, will not / can not? I am 
> curious because with Base Julia getting so many optimizations itself, it's 
> hard to tell whether supporting ParallelAccelerator will be a worthwhile 
> investment in a year or two, and wanted to know what you guys think of 
> that. I don't mean you haven't done great work: you clearly have, but it 
> seems Julia is also doing a lot of great work!
> On Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 9:42:44 AM UTC-7, Todd Anderson wrote:
>> The High Performance Scripting team at Intel Labs is pleased to announce 
>> the release of version 0.2 of ParallelAccelerator.jl, a package for 
>> high-performance parallel computing in Julia, primarily oriented around 
>> arrays and stencils.  In this release, we provide support for Julia 0.5 and 
>> introduce experimental support for the Julia native threading backend.  
>> While we still currently support Julia 0.4, such support should be 
>> considered deprecated and we recommend everyone move to Julia 0.5 as Julia 
>> 0.4 support may be removed in the future.
>> The goal of ParallelAccelerator is to accelerate the computational kernel 
>> of an application by the programmer simply annotating the kernel function 
>> with the @acc (short for "accelerate") macro, provided by the 
>> ParallelAccelerator package.  In version 0.2, ParallelAccelerator still 
>> defaults to transforming the kernel to OpenMP C code that is then compiled 
>> with a system C compiler (ICC or GCC) and transparently handles the 
>> invocation of the C code from Julia as if the program were running normally.
>> However, ParallelAccelerator v0.2 also introduces experimental backend 
>> support for Julia's native threading (which is also experimental).  To 
>> enable native threading mode, set the environment variable 
>> PROSPECT_MODE=threads.  In this mode, ParallelAccelerator identifies pieces 
>> of code that can be run in parallel and then runs that code as if it had 
>> been annotated with Julia's @threads and goes through the standard Julia 
>> compiler pipeline with LLVM.  The ParallelAccelerator C backend has the 
>> limitation that the kernel functions and anything called by those cannot 
>> include code that is not type-stable to a single type.  In particular, 
>> variables of type Any are not supported.  In practice, this restriction was 
>> a significant limitation.  For the native threading backend, no such 
>> restriction is necessary and thus our backend should handle arbitrary Julia 
>> code.
>> Under the hood, ParallelAccelerator is essentially a domain-specific 
>> compiler written in Julia. It performs additional analysis and optimization 
>> on top of the Julia compiler. ParallelAccelerator discovers and exploits 
>> the implicit parallelism in source programs that use parallel programming 
>> patterns such as map, reduce, comprehension, and stencil. For example, 
>> Julia array operators such as .+, .-, .*, ./ are translated by 
>> ParallelAccelerator internally into data-parallel map operations over all 
>> elements of input arrays. For the most part, these patterns are already 
>> present in standard Julia, so programmers can use ParallelAccelerator to 
>> run the same Julia program without (significantly) modifying the source 
>> code.
>> Version 0.2 should be considered an alpha release, suitable for early 
>> adopters and Julia enthusiasts.  Please file bugs at 
>> .
>> See our GitHub repository at 
>> for a complete list 
>> of prerequisites, supported platforms, example programs, and documentation.
>> Thanks to our colleagues at Intel and Intel Labs, the Julia team, and the 
>> broader Julia community for their support of our efforts!
>> Best regards,
>> The High Performance Scripting team
>> (Parallel Computing Lab, Intel Labs)

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