And although readline() yields a String, if you are asking for, say, a Int 
or a Float64 value, you can add a second version of `input`:

typealias ParseableNumber Union{Float64, Float32, Signed, Unsigned, Bool} 

    `input{T<:ParseableNumber}(::Type{T}, prompt::String="")::T`

Read an integer or a floating point value from STDIN.

The prompt string, if given, is printed to standard output without a
trailing newline before reading the input.

days = input(Int, "How many days? ")

function input{T<:ParseableNumber}(::Type{T}, prompt::String = "")::T
    str = chomp(readline())
return parse(str)

On Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 1:47:27 PM UTC-4, Ismael Venegas Castelló 
> """
>     `input(prompt::String="")::String`
> Read a string from STDIN. The trailing newline is stripped.
> The prompt string, if given, is printed to standard output without a
> trailing newline before reading input.
> """
> function input(prompt::String = "")::String
>     print(prompt)
>     return chomp(readline())
> end
> El jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016, 10:16:25 (UTC-5), Aleksandr Mikheev 
> escribió:
>> Hello,
>> How could I input a data from the console? For instance, I would like to 
>> make such that user is able to input the value of x. Is there any way to do 
>> it like in Fortran or something? I can't find anything in documentation.
>> P.S. Also, I believe there is a way to input a string using readline() 
>> function. However, if I do something like:
>> a = readline()
>> "asd"
>> then I will get "\"asd\"\r\n".
>> How to avoid these excess symbols?
>> Thank you in advance!

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