
by searching in the web I found
a way to make my BST code much cleaner (as posted below). Nevertheless,
I don't find this very ellegant, since the head node is of type Bst,
while the children are of type Nullable{Bst} (is this the 'canonical' way
of building recursive data structures with Julia?).

But when I first read the code in SO, I thought that it was probably
wrong, since it does:

node.left = BST(key)
where node.left is of type Nullable{BST}.

Then I realized that automatic conversion from BST to Nullable{BST} is
done when assigning to node.left, so all is good. Coming from Fortran,
this is a bit odd for me... what are the rules for automatic conversion?  

Thanks a lot,
Ángel de Vicente

| module b
| type Bst
|     val::Int
|     left::Nullable{Bst}
|     right::Nullable{Bst}
| end
| Bst(key::Int) = Bst(key, Nullable{Bst}(), Nullable{Bst}())  
| "Given an array of Ints, it will create a BST tree, type: Bst"
| function build_bst(list::Array{Int,1})
|     head = list[1]
|     tree = Bst(head)
|     for e in list[2:end]
|         place_bst(tree,e)
|     end
|     return tree
| end
| function place_bst(tree::Bst,e::Int)
|     if e == tree.val
|         println("Dropping $(e). No repeated values allowed")
|     elseif e < tree.val
|         if (isnull(tree.left)) 
|             tree.left = Bst(e)
|         else
|             place_bst(tree.left.value,e)
|         end
|     else
|         if (isnull(tree.right)) 
|             tree.right = Bst(e)
|         else
|             place_bst(tree.right.value,e)
|         end
|     end
| end
| function print_bst(tree::Bst)
|     if !isnull(tree.left) print_bst(tree.left.value) end
|     println(tree.val)
|     if !isnull(tree.right) print_bst(tree.right.value) end
| end
| end

| julia> include("bst.jl")
| julia> b.print_bst( b.build_bst([4,5,10,3,20,-1,10]))
| Dropping 10. No repeated values allowed
| -1
| 3
| 4
| 5
| 10
| 20
| julia> 

Ángel de Vicente

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