If you are working with file information, use e.g. `file_stats=stat(); 
file_creation_time = file_stats.ctime; file_modification_time = 
You will get Float64 values, to make FineComputerTimes from those, 

function FineComputerTime(stat_time::Float64)
   nanosecs = round(UInt64, stat_time * 1.0e9)
   return FineComputerTime(nanosecs)

On Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 3:44:07 PM UTC-4, Jeffrey Sarnoff wrote:
> Look at the help for tic() and toc().
> Do you care about interfacing directly with jl_ routines?  If not, and you 
> are trying to make your own harness ... perhaps this would help:
> #=
>    Using immutable rather than type with fields that are 
>    simple and immediate values keeps information directly
>    available (rather than indirectly available, like arrays).
>    Use Int64 because nanosecond timing uses 64 bits (UInt64).
>    time_ns() "Get the time in nanoseconds. 
>               The time corresponding to 0 is undefined,
>               and wraps every 5.8 years."
>    time_zero because the timer is given as a UInt64 value, and 
>             there are more of those than positive Int64s.
> =#
> const time_zero = [time_ns()]
> get_time_zero() = time_zero[1]
> function set_time_zero(nanoseconds::UInt64)
>     time_zero[1] = nanoseconds
>     return nanoseconds
> end    
> immutable FineComputerTime
>     seconds::Int64
>     nanoseconds::Int64
> end
> function FineComputerTime(nanosecs::UInt64)
>     nanosecs -= get_time_zero()
>     secs, nsecs = fldmod( nanosecs, 1_000_000_000%UInt64 ) # value%UInt64 
> is a fast way to force the type
>     return FineComputerTime( Int64(secs), Int64(nsecs) )
> end
> FineComputerTime() = FineComputerTime(time_ns())
> On Friday, October 28, 2016 at 10:07:42 AM UTC-4, Brandon Taylor wrote:
>> Right now in base jl_stat_ctime looks like this:
>> JL_DLLEXPORT double jl_stat_ctime(char *statbuf)
>> {
>>     uv_stat_t *s;
>>     s = (uv_stat_t*)statbuf;
>>     return (double)s->st_ctim.tv_sec + (double)s->st_ctim.tv_nsec * 1e-9;
>> }
>> And it's called with
>> ccall(:jl_stat_ctime,   Float64, (Ptr{UInt8},), buf)
>> I'd like to simplify this.
>> I'd like a type
>> type FineComputerTime
>>     seconds::Int
>>     nanoseconds::Int
>> end
>> And a way to fill it in using the stat buffer.
>> Can anyone offer some tips? The c code keeps confusing me.
>> I

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