On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 5:08 PM, Florian Oswald
<florian.osw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure how many people are using Base.Threads out there, I came across
> it by accident and think it works great. It's under the heading
> "experimental" in the manual, so I just wanted to encourage the developers
> that this is a great feature, please don't drop it. I just wrote @threads in
> front of a loop in my code and time was cut by pretty much exactly

It's experimental in that apart from some really simple cases, code
that uses thread can easily crash.
It is not recommended to use threading at this stage.

> Along those lines, has anyone tried to run a hybrid job, i.e. connecting
> several machines via `addprocs` and running several threads on each of those
> machines? Is something like that even possible and/or do you recommend
> something like that? There is not too much in the manual, so I would just
> like to get some more info.

Doing so is certainly possible but is not recommended since threading
itself isn't.

> thanks.

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