Larry Becker helped me figure out why Strings were getting passed as
ContentIDs in OpenJUMP's rendering code. It turns out there are
special renderers that need to be given a chance to paint on the
LayerViewPanel everytime the LayerViewPanel.paintComponent() or
LayerViewPanel.repaint() methods are called. For example, you have the
FeatureSelectionRenderer, the BackgroundRenderer and a couple of

These renderers operate a little differently that the "standard" Layer
renderer. This is because they always need to be given the change to
paint. (The Layer renderer only needs to paint if the active task
contains Layer objects.) The JUMP developers used an interesting
"trick" to accomplish this. They added Strings to the list of
ContentIDs stored in each RenderingManager. (These Strings are added
in the RenderingManager's constructor.) A special renderer is then
associated with each of these Strings. (For example, the
FeatureSelectionRenderer is associated with the String "SELECTION".)
Since the Strings are permanent residents of the ContentIDs list, the
special renderers are always given a chance to paint.

I want to change this system slightly to work with my pluggable
rendering system. I will still add Strings to the ContentIDs list, but
I will delegate the creation and return of the special renderers to
implementations of my IRendererFactoryTool interface. This will
preserve consistency and will also allow us to custimize things like
background, grid, or selection rendering without recompiling
OpenJUMP's source code?

Does anyone see any problems with this idea?

The Sunburned Surveyor

(I won't be commiting any of these changes to the OpenJUMP CVS.) :]

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