Sunburned Surveyor schrieb:
> [...]
> Sascha wrote: "The original JUMP uses still 1.4 IIRC and
> I would tend to say this a wise idea if you want
> to reach customers which are not willing to install
> a newer JVM (for a number of serious reasons)."
> What reasons would there be for avoiding the installation of a new JRE?

Risk minimization e.g. Ever thought about the fact that *JUMP
may not be the only running Java app on your machine?
What if the other one is your business and/or mission critical app?
What if this app works fine with 1.4 and has known quirks with 1.5? [1]
What if *JUMP and this are coupled in some way? (Gulp!)

I bet in such a situation you wouldn't dare to install a new JVM!

> P.S. - I believe UDig and some others actually install a JRE with
> their program. Not that I am a big fan of that idea.

This has to do with the reason i stated above. With a given version
that you have tested you can ensure certain things. Nonetheless it's
bad practice...

- Sascha

[1] Browse a bit at to see what I mean. ;-)

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