Hi SS,

If JTS used JUMP then it would need to be under GPL.

GPL software such as JUMP can use non-GPL components such as JTS.

The rule (I think is) if you have an application that uses GPL 
components, those components which utilize GPL components must also be GPL.

I think a general good guiding principal is if you want to define an 
interface that components can implement and you want to allow 
proprietary implementations you should define that interface using a 
less restrictive license than GPL.

Personally I'm not a fan of GPL due to the confusion it causes. As an 
open source software developer I want people to use my code not have to 
worry about dealing with lawyers.


Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> So how is it JTS can be released under the LGPL is JUMP uses it?
> Doesn't JUMP's GPL infect JTS?
> Or is JTS released under both the GPL and LGPL? Or does releasing JTS
> under the LGPL meet the "viral" requirement of the GPL?
> The Sunburned Surveyor
> On 6/22/07, Edgar Soldin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> unfortunately separating the code is not enough too allow a new license.
>> At a quick glance i only found only this
>> http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/gpl-faq.html#TOCLinkingOverControlledInterface
>> And to my knowledge the GPL enforces itself on derived work (incl.
>> inheritance, use of interfaces). Thats why any work based on GPLed
>> software has to be at least licensed for GPL. Dual licensing of the same
>> is still allowed though.
>> Regards ede
>> --
>>> Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
>>>> Martin,
>>>> Thanks for this great clarification. I believe in my particular case I
>>>> will have to release the converter code under the GPL, since I will be
>>>> linking directly to JUMP code to do the conversion.
>>>> I'll have to consider how important it is to use GPL for other code I
>>>> write that isn't tied as directly to JUMP. I'd appreciate any thoughts
>>>> on this. Does code released under the GPL discourage use and adoption
>>>> in a way that code released under the LGPL does not?
>>> yes.. do it under LGPL if you can (i.e. don't rely on GPL code).
>>> what i have done (though i am still not sure if it is truly correct) is
>>> to release the mapgentoolbox code under an apache like license.
>>> But the important thing has been that i have put my code in separate
>>> *.jars and not in the jar that contains the jump-extension class stuff.
>>> I think that having two jars is the way.
>>> stefan
>>>> The Sunburned Surveyor
>>>> On 6/21/07, Martin Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> I don't think you can develop code that links in GPL code under anything
>>>>> except GPL.  See here:
>>>>> http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl-faq.html#GPLAndPlugins
>>>>> LGPL is weaker than GPL, so you can't release an actual plugin class
>>>>> (which uses the JUMP API's) as LGPL.
>>>>> However, I think what you can do is package up an independent library
>>>>> under some other license (as long as it doesn't use any JUMP code) and
>>>>> then call it from a "wrapper" plugin which is under GPL.
>>>>> Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
>>>>>> I think Paul hit the nail on the head. GeoTools is worried about
>>>>>> including code that can't be included in commercial applications.
>>>>>> I found an interesting article that discusses whether or not you
>>>>>> should use the LGPL or GPL for library code at the link Sascha sent.
>>>>>> The article is here:
>>>>>> http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/why-not-lgpl.html
>>>>>> I'll have to think carefully about this. It seems like a very
>>>>>> important difference. Any thoughts on whether or not we want to
>>>>>> encourage development of OpenJUMP plug-ins and "support" or library
>>>>>> code under the GPL or LGPL?
>>>>>> (I'm probably opening Pandora's box with this question.)
>>>>>> I'm really undecided as to which license I should use for my code.
>>>>>> The Sunburned Surveyor
>>>>>> On 6/21/07, Paul Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>>> The only problem would be if you used SS's new classes in a commercial
>>>>>>> application. Which in fact would be unlikely as they would not be
>>>>>>> allowed to use the JUMP code anyway because it is GPL.
>>>>>>> I think the rule is commercial apps can use LGPL libraries but not GPL 
>>>>>>> ones.
>>>>>>> I took another approach for the same problem I added a FeatureFactory to
>>>>>>> my reader components and have a JumpFeatureFactory that will create
>>>>>>> features which implement both my DataObject interface and the Jump
>>>>>>> Feature interface. This way there is no conversion required between
>>>>>>> feature models. You just set the factory based on the type of feature
>>>>>>> instance you want. The reader uses this factory to create the instances.
>>>>>>> Paul
>>>>>>> Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
>>>>>>>> I was talking to Jody Garnett a little bit about a home for a
>>>>>>>> converter or pair of converters that would allow developers to do the
>>>>>>>> GeoTools > JUMP and JUMP > GeoTools Feature Model conversion. He said
>>>>>>>> that there may be some issues since any code that I write will
>>>>>>>> necessarily need to utilize JUMP code released under the GPL. This is
>>>>>>>> an issue because GeoTools is released under the LGPL.
>>>>>>>> I don't know as much about this area as I should, so I'm hoping to get
>>>>>>>> some suggestions from this group. How might I be able to get code that
>>>>>>>> works with JUMP code under the GPl to play nice with GeoTools code
>>>>>>>> released under the LGPL? Is this even possible?
>>>>>>>> Thanks for the suggestions.
>>>>>>>> The Sunburned Surveyor
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Martin Davis
>>>>> Senior Technical Architect
>>>>> Refractions Research, Inc.
>>>>> (250) 383-3022
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>> --
>> public class WhoDidIt{ // A comment. I love comments
>>  private static Person sender;
>>  public static void main (String[] foo){
>>  sender = new Person();
>>  sender.setName(new String[]{"Edgar", "Soldin"});
>>  Address address = new Address();
>>  address.setStreet("Stadtweg 119");
>>  address.setZip(39116);
>>  address.setCity("Magdeburg");
>>  address.setCountry("Germany");
>>  sender.setAddress(address);
>>  sender.setMobilePhone(" +49(0)171-2782880 ");
>>  sender.setWebSiteUrl(" http://www.soldin.de ");
>>  sender.setEmail(" [EMAIL PROTECTED] ");
>>  sender.setPGPPublicKey(" http://www.soldin.de/edgar_soldin.asc ");
>>  sender.setGender(true);
>>  System.out.println(sender.toString());
>>  }
>> }
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