
If you want to try out the new file menu I have a download bundle
prepared at

This version supports the drag and drop of files, I took the code from
the external library, extracted the bits I needed and add it to the
plug-in so we are not dependent on a 3rd party library (the code is very

I have an exception I need to fix when I ran it from the binary file on
linux, which is strange because it worked in eclipse. The drag and drop
works on Windows though, does anyone have a MAC they can test on?


Paul Austin wrote:
> All,
> I have checked in my new Open File, Project, Recent plug-ins and the the
> FileLayerLoader framework into SVN under my branch core/branches/paustin
> You can checkout this project or ig using eclipse you can use
> Team>Switch to switch to that branch to test it out.
> If you want to create a new FileLayerLoader look in the
> at the FileLayerLoader interface and the
> DataSourceFileLoayerLoader (if you have an existing DataSource
> implementation to wrap) or ReferencedImageFactoryFileLayerLoader for
> image based loaders.
> You register new loaders using the following, after all plug-ins are
> initialized I load in any file based DataSources registered with the
> FileDataSourceQueryChooser
> registry.createEntry(FileLayerLoader.KEY, fileLoader);
> Please let me know any feedback you have and I'll merge it into the main
> branch later this week.
> Paul
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