Hi Eric,

IN theory you can use includes and excludes to simplify the whole thing, but there seems to be a bug in the maven assembly plug-in that only processes the first include or exclude. Which is why the descriptor was so long winded. I have a bug open on it but nothing seems to be happening with it.


Eric Lemesre wrote:

Thanks for attachement !
It possible to build a conditionnal assembly?

some think like that :

and enablePlugIn.properties
# plugin to enable when is not empty

it is verry simple to enable/disable plugin without touch the assembly descriptor


2007/10/13, Paul Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:


    The current maven build is a non standard build as OJ doesn't have
    correct directory structure. I'd like to get that changed at some

    For the main maven build for OJ i don't think we should split the api
    and workbench as for JUMP deliveries you need both. We can however
    create assemblies for them so that the are available if anyone else
    needs them.

    I also have another assembly descriptor that can be used in another
    project to build a custom OJ bundle with a bunch of plug-ins,
    make all you plug-ins maven plug-ins, add a dependency to OJ and the
    plug-ins from a wrapper project and it will bundle them into the
    directory. Unfortunately due to some bugs in Maven you have to do
    customization for it to work. See attached example.


    Eric Lemesre wrote:
    > Paul,
    > I commit the change and I complete my first commit (language and
    > changelog).
    > I like maven ;-) but my local repository is verry small.
    > When i package openjump (mvn package) i have
    >  5 required artifacts are missing :
    >     * net.sf.buoy:buoy:jar:1.8
    >     * com.sun.media:jai_codec:jar:1.1.2_01
    >     * com.ermapper:ermapper:jar:UNKNOWN
    >     * javax.media:jai_core:jar:1.1.2_01
    >     *  org.jmat:jmat:jar:5.0
    > It is probably the good time to build a maven2 repository for
    > and put in
    > openjump-core-1.2D.jar
    > openjump-core-1.2C.jar
    > openjump-core-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
    > and with the same version
    > openjump-api and openjump-workbench
    > and all necessary jar for build.
    > Eric
    > 2007/10/12, Paul Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>:
    >     Eric,
    >     Sorry about that, it must have been something to do with the
    >     process. Have you been able to recover the old version?
    >     Paul
    >     Eric Lemesre wrote:
    >     > Hi paul,
    >     >
    >     > It is probebly a mistake, but your commit( rev 1141) erase my
    >     commit
    >     > (rev 1132) on
    >     > org.openjump.sigle.plugin.replace.ReplaveValuePlugin.java
    >     >
    >     > Eric
    >     >
    >     > 2007/10/3, Sunburned Surveyor <
    >     <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    >     > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>>:
    >     >
    >     >     Thanks for filling us in on how you use OpenJUMP Eric, and
    >     thank you
    >     >     for making the effort to contribute.
    >     >
    >     >     The Sunburned Surveyor
    >     >
    >     >     On 10/1/07, Eric Lemesre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >
    >     >     <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>> wrote:
    >     >     > Hi SS,
    >     >     >
    >     >     > I am using OpenJUMP for visualisation state's
    vendor  : where
    >     >     they work,
    >     >     > where they live and where is her cusmoters.
    >     >     > Other software like ERSI EMG3, is too expensive an less
    >     modulate
    >     >     than
    >     >     > OpenJUMP.
    >     >     >
    >     >     > I can get data from PostgreSQL, Degrees, and
    geoserver and
    >     give
    >     >     it to
    >     >     > resposables (quikly ;-) ).
    >     >     >
    >     >     > I hope my compagny always use OpenJUMP and give more
    >     developpers to
    >     >     > contribute.
    >     >     > At this moment I am alone ;-{.
    >     >     >
    >     >     >
    >     >     > 2007/9/28, Sunburned Surveyor <
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    >     >     <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>>:
    >     >     > > Eric,
    >     >     > >
    >     >     > > I am getting to this e-mail a little bit late, but
    I see
    >     that
    >     >     Michael
    >     >     > > and Stefan have already given you a warm welcome.
    >     >     > >
    >     >     > > I just want to say thanks for your contribution and I
    >     hope we
    >     >     get to
    >     >     > > work together in the future.
    >     >     > >
    >     >     > > I'm curious, how are you using OpenJUMP?
    >     >     > >
    >     >     > > The Sunburned Surveyor
    >     >     > >
    >     >     > > On 9/28/07, Stefan Steiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    >     <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    >     >     <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>> wrote:
    >     >     > > > Hei again,
    >     >     > > >
    >     >     > > >
    >     >     > > > Eric Lemesre schrieb:
    >     >     > > > > Salut Stefan,
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > > I am totaly agree with this condition Of course.
    >     >     > > > > I prefer to get write acces by pass the second
    >     condition.
    >     >     I think it
    >     >     > is
    >     >     > > > > the better way for all.
    >     >     > > >
    >     >     > > > ok..
    >     >     > > > Btw. it depends how fast you are with your second
    >     extension.
    >     >     But if it
    >     >     > > > does not take weeks, you can commit both tools
    together if
    >     >     you have
    >     >     > > > write access.
    >     >     > > >
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > > For my second contribution i want to extends
    >     JoinTable plugin.
    >     >     > > > >  * select fields to join
    >     >     > > > >  * select datasource type
    >     >     > > >
    >     >     > > > sounds very good :)
    >     >     > > >
    >     >     > > > > Can i add Jlist  to MultiInputDialog?
    >     >     > > >
    >     >     > > > yes.. i think so :)
    >     >     > > > If nobodoy else has a problem with.
    >     >     > > >
    >     >     > > > stefan
    >     >     > > >
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > > Eric
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > > 2007/9/26, Stefan Steiniger <
    >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    >     >     <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>
    >     >     > <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    >     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >>>>:
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > >     Salut Eric,
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > >     nice to have you on board :)
    >     >     > > > >     We have setup some informal rules for
    >     >     You get write
    >     >     > > > >     access
    >     >     > > > >     to the svn in two ways:
    >     >     > > > >     1) you get immediate access to the svn if
    you got a
    >     >     recommendation
    >     >     > by
    >     >     > > > >     developer that is already well known by
    the project
    >     >     (or a member);
    >     >     > or
    >     >     > > > >     2) we review the first two contributions. If
    >     both are
    >     >     ok you will
    >     >     > grant
    >     >     > > > >     write access. As you passed the 1st
    >     round
    >     >     already
    >     >     > according
    >     >     > > > >     to Michael, I would like to ask you, to
    send to your
    >     >     second
    >     >     > contribution
    >     >     > > > >     to the devel-list for a review (if you have
    >     finished
    >     >     that work
    >     >     > already)
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > >     I hope you understand this policy and I
    suppose the
    >     >     2nd sample you
    >     >     > > > >     presenet will be a piece of cake for you?
    >     Alteratively
    >     >     you may
    >     >     > tell us
    >     >     > > > >     (or me and Michael personally) about your
    >     programming
    >     >     experience.
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > >     Anyway, as it seems to me you will qualify
    ;) i ask
    >     >     you to already
    >     >     > send
    >     >     > > > >     me your sourceforge account name (on my
    >     >     email), so i can
    >     >     > > > >     prepare anything for svn-write access.
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > >     cheers, currently from Germany (Btw. I met
    >     people
    >     >     from
    >     >     > Intevation
    >     >     > > > >     on the Intergeo fair)
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > >     stefan
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > >     @ Michael: thank you for reviewing! If you
    want you
    >     >     can commit the
    >     >     > code.
    >     >     > > > >     Otherwise I will do in the next days.
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >     > > > >     Michaël Michaud schrieb:
    >     >     > > > >      > Hi Eric,
    >     >     > > > >      >
    >     >     > > > >      > Nice to see another french guy involved in
    >     OpenJUMP
    >     >     development
    >     >     > ;-)
    >     >     > > > >      > I reviewed your code and it's ok for me.
    >     >     > > > >      > Maybe you should explain the use case
    for setting
    >     >     an attribute
    >     >     > with
    >     >     > > > >      > another attribute value.
    >     >     > > > >      > Anyway, this is just a new capability of an
    >     >     existing plugin.
    >     >     > > > >      > I can commit the code, or we have to ask
    >     Sunburned
    >     >     Surveyor or
    >     >     > Stefan
    >     >     > > > >      > Steiniger (I think Stefan is out of his
    >     >     until next week)
    >     >     > > > >     who are
    >     >     > > > >      > the administrators of the site and can
    give svn
    >     >     access to new
    >     >     > > > >     developers.
    >     >     > > > >      >
    >     >     > > > >      > Michaël
    >     >     > > > >      >
    >     >     > > > >      > Eric Lemesre a écrit :
    >     >     > > > >      >
    >     >     > > > >      >> Hello,
    >     >     > > > >      >>
    >     >     > > > >      >> Thank verry much for the good job in
    >     >     > > > >      >>
    >     >     > > > >      >> I make somme modifications in the plugIn
    >     >     ReplaceValuePlugIn
    >     >     > (in
    >     >     > > > >      >> org.openjump.sigle.plugin.replace ).
    >     >     > > > >      >> This plugin replace a attribute with a
    >     constante.
    >     >     And now we
    >     >     > can
    >     >     > > > >     copy
    >     >     > > > >      >> one attribute to an other one.
    >     >     > > > >      >>
    >     >     > > > >      >> I joint the code.
    >     >     > > > >      >>
    >     >     > > > >      >> How can i have acces to repository and
    what is
    >     >     rules to use?
    >     >     > > > >      >> Or how to put this modifications in JPP?
    >     >     > > > >      >>
    >     >     > > > >      >> I have planed somme other works and
    want to give
    >     >     it to the
    >     >     > community
    >     >     > > > >      >>
    >     >     > > > >      >> Thanks
    >     >     > > > >      >> Eric
    >     >     > > > >      >>
    >     >     > > > >      >>
    >     >     > > > >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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