Hi Landon,

I don't think you need to subclass the Abstract plugin in to do this.

Looking at the problem there are a couple of things to think about. I'm going to use the concept of a workspace (think eclipse) for each of a user's different configurations of JUMP

  1. There will need to be some global settings for a user that's
     aren't specific to a workspace (such as the list of recent
     workspaces or a default workspace. Maybe the log4j configuration.
  2. There are settings that would be specific to workspaces, such as
     the settings saved from the PersistentBlackboard plug-in
     (workbench-state.xml) and the workbench configuration

So what is a workspace, a workspace is a directory with a bunch of files in it. Think of this as the configuration directory. When the JUMP starts up it can look at the settings in #1 for the user <user's home dir>/.openjump/ directory. Then if they don't have a default workspace set they will be given the option to open or create a workspace. This would then set a property in the blackboard called OPEN_JUMP_WORKSPACE with a java.io.File to the workspace directory.

Then if plug-ins want to get some configuration file or create one in the workspace they would use the OPEN_JUMP_WORKSPACE as the root directory for those files.

This way plug-ins don't need to know about workspaces per-se just that there is a directory to put the configuration files into.


Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
Thanks Uwe. I'm going to proceed with my "current user" functionality.
This will be included in a class that extends the JUMP AbstractPlugIn
class, so the functionality will be available to other plug-in
developers if they so choose.

I'll be trying to modify the Super Select tool so that the
configurations can be stored separately for different users using this
scenario. Look for it in an upcoming release of the plug-in.

The Sunburned Surveyor

On 11/2/07, Uwe Dalluege <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Landon,

if you are teaching OpenJUMP you have one installation
and lots of students using OpenJUMP over a network.
It would be very nice to have a plugIn
to configure the personal settings.



Sunburned Surveyor schrieb:
I'd like to know if anyone is using OpenJUMP in a situation where more
than one person would using an OpenJUMP installation on a single
computer. This might happen if OpenJUMP were being accessed over a
network, or if more than one person accessed a computer with OpenJUMP
installed to perform GIS tasks.

I'd like to know how common this scenario is because I am trying to
determine how useful it would be to design plug-ins for OpenJUMP that
maintain "current user information". This functionality would allow
you to store personalized tool configurations for each user and would
also be used to identify the user/organizatoin for logging and
metadata tools. (I don't intend to use the "current user information"
functionality to control or restrict access to data or functions in
OpenJUMP. That is a whole other can of worms and not my goal in this


The Sunburned Surveyor

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