The way I am currently using ByteBuffer, I can deal
with any InputStream or OutputStream and switch
endianess by changing two static final variables
(BYTE_ORDER and CHAR_SET). Using a byte array to read
to and write from the stream, I just do a
ByteBuffer.wrap(byteArray).order(BYTE_ORDER) to make
things ordered the way I want. I’ve tested this with
both Big and Little Endian ordering and seems to work
just fine.


--- Paul Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would use big endian as it's the Java standard.
> This would then make 
> it easier to read/write the files from
> Input/outputStream (see 
> DataInputStream) as ByteBuffer would only allow you
> to do the endian 
> conversion for file access. You may want to use an
> Input/outputStream 
> stream to read/write data in a web service.
> Paul
> *Paul Austin*
> /President/CEO/
> Revolution Systems Inc.
> +1 (604) 288-4304 x201
> <>


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