
I added now the possibility to load a second properties file using the 
new command line option "-default-plugins". My changes were not very 
advanced (i.e. rather dumb programming).. so it is still not possible to 
load several properties files.

As the options naming says the idea would be to deliver a 
default-plugins.xml file with the OJ distribution that loads the default 
plugins. This way workbench-properties.xml can still be used for own 
stuff/local customization. Note, that the plugins delivered with 
default-plugins are loaded before workbench-properties (or in other 
words the first file loaded is default-plugins.xml).

I have checked the stuff in. In case the changes are disliked I can undo 
the changes.

Let's see what the next nightly build looks like (of course I tried to 
test everything localy before ;).

BTW: has anybody ever used the workbench-properties files to load I) 
input-driver and II) output-driver? Would be nice to have an example.


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