
on os x, is there an 'easy' way to either copy(and paste) or save-as or export the coordinates of a raster image/geotiff? if so, i would apeciate it if someone could enlighten me. if i go into the Feature Info window, i of course can VIEW this information, and can highlight it, but it does not copy when i attempt to apple-C or right-click- copy(there is no right-click-copy).

i have a 1000 or so mrsid files i had converted sometime back to geotiff. now i need to convert them to a handheld format, and the converter requires i enter left, right, top, and bottom coordinates(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax). and so, it would be wonderful if there was an EASY way to go about getting this info using oj on os x. i have not looked into any other utilities, perhaps they do or do not exist, not sure. but if anyone here knows, again, i would much appreciate it.


<<inline: ericsSignature.png>>

Eric Jarvies

On Jul 15, 2008, at 4:47:17:AM, Stefan Steiniger wrote:


so did you look on the link I send a while ago on the swiss DEM data?
Everything is there in different or one file. If you need help I may
make a short description of that data in case they did not provide the
english translation but only the german or french description.


Sunburned Surveyor schrieb:

You wrote: "3D point data would be fine for now, but if you could get
3D point data + breaklines + boundaries, I would thrilled."

Would the breaklines and boundaries be provided as LineStrings with z
values in the LineString coordinates?

This might take me a little doing, as I'll have to write some AutoLISP to get the data out of CAD as WKT. I need some tools that will do this anyways, but it'll take me a coupld of days. I might be able to get it
done by the end of the week?


P.S. - Any suggestions on the classes/class I should start my code review with?

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Sunburned Surveyor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I finally backtracked to Subclipse 1.2 on my laptop, and I
was able to
download your source code for JTin. I'll try to get
that code review
squeezed in tonight or tomorrow.

That's fine, give me a call if you need anything explained. I just uploaded an updated set of files. The new thing is that triangle clipping is implemented and there is the ability to get a subset of the tin (unused as of now, but it will be useful in the future). Right now, I'm working on javadoc'n then hillshades.

I know that we talked a little about my providing some CAD
data that
you could use to test JTin. What type of simple features do
you want?
Do you want Point Features? Or do you want LineStrings

Let me know what you have in mind.

3D point data would be fine for now, but if you could get 3D point data + breaklines + boundaries, I would thrilled.


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