> ...but if you inserted more than one new Faeture, how do you know which
> is which??? You should have "another" key of some form, to match them.

Ah, but why do you care which is which?  It is only necessary to reload the


> >
> > I haven't had any problem using auto-increment in my own JDBC database
> > code with the H2 database.
> Yes, I wasn't sure on this point, so it probably _is_ handled in JDBC.
> >
> > For cases where the PK is hand generated alphanumeric, you could just
> > assume the user has filled out the attribute, issue the database insert,
> > and pass on referential integrity errors to the user (i.e. NULL PK not
> > allowed).
> Sure, in fact a user-friendly error recovering system is very important,
> even for cases when the PK is generated by the DB, because errors may
> still occur, so the the user should be able to manage them and save its
> data in a way or the other, maybe to a temporary storage (binary files
> of some form). If he/she worked hard for hours, it has the right to save
> his/her work somewhere, before going on investigating what went wrong
> with the DB.
> Anyway the mechanism can be refined over time, what is needed for a
> start is a good dirty-cache to store modified/inserted/deleted feature.
> This may also come handy if one wanted to implement some form of undo!!!
> >
> > Your idea about detecting spatial conflicts is visionary.  I see no
> > reason this couldn't be done, probably with database triggers.
> Thank you, I like the term "visionary"!!! :-)
> >
> > regards,
> > Larry
> Bye
> Paolo Rizzi
> >
> > 2009/4/3 Paolo Rizzi <g...@oicom.com <mailto:g...@oicom.com>>
> >
> >      > Hi,
> >      >
> >      > I have seen two ways to generate unique IDs for new features.
> >     First one is based on using integer as ID, and inserting new feature
> >     begins with query "select max(ID) from table".  New feature gets
> >     value max(ID)+1.  Another, and pretty safe way is to configure
> >     database table to take primary key automatically triggered from
> >     database sequence. Then it is enough for the client software to send
> >     just pure insert request without new ID.  In both cases new query
> >     must be done before client can know what was the ID that was finally
> >     inserted into database.
> >     Problem is Features not always have a single-numeric field PK, it may
> be
> >     an alphanumeric field and/or it may be composed by multiple fields.
> >     The use of auto-increment or sequence fields with values generated by
> >     the database is common practice, but, if I remeber well, JDBC has not
> a
> >     very good support for it (I may be wrong or it may have changed with
> >     recent JDBC versions).
> >     Also, if you let the RDBMS generate the new PK value, how do you read
> it
> >     back??? You can't select the Feature from the DB, because you don't
> know
> >     the PK in the first place.
> >     Another problem is with dependant Features. Imagine a ROAD Feature
> with
> >     HOUSEs Features along it. The HOUSE Features may use the ROAD's PK to
> >     "link" themselves to the ROAD itself. If you insert a new ROAD along
> >     with a few HOUSEs, what value would you use as the ROAD's PK???
> >
> >      >
> >      > I can imagine that in some cases user knows the proper ID for the
> >     new features to be inserted, for example if they are parcels and
> >     have some ID in other registers.
> >     Letting the user generate PK values solve, or at least circumvent the
> >     above problems, but how can the user generate good PKs???
> >     The client may help him by suggesting good values. For example in the
> >     simple case of a single numeric field PK, the client can do an
> in-memory
> >     max()+1 or, if Features were not all read in memory, it may issue a
> >     "select max()+1" to the DB.
> >     Sure enough there's the possibility of this value to became invalid
> at
> >     commit time, but this can happen in any case.
> >
> >      >
> >      > Simultaneous edits are sometimes prevented with some "get feature
> >     with lock" systems.  They tend to be taylor made.
> >     Locking doesn't work very well with spatial data, because working by
> >     users tends to last for long, so a long-time locking system is
> required
> >     by the RDBMS, but it's something that's not always available.
> >     Also, GIS work is often done disconnected, so a better solution may
> be
> >     letting the user work as he/she is the only user, and implement into
> the
> >     client a system to resolve conflicts at commit time.
> >     Once this conflict-presenting-and-resolving system is in place, one
> can
> >     become really sophisticated, and also detect spatial conflicts.
> >     Imagine that user "A" draws a new HOUSE on an empty terrain lot and
> then
> >     he/she try to commit it to the DB, but in the meantime user "B" has
> >     already committed a ROAD on the very same terrain.
> >     This is not a conflict in strict DB parliance, but it's nonetheless a
> >     real conflict in spatial terms.
> >     It woould be great to have a GIS capable of detecting and presenting
> to
> >     the user such conflicts, to be resolved, or at least signalled.
> >
> >     I hope this didn't sounded like a rant, it is not by any mean!!! :-)
> >     Just trying to summarize all problems, even if now it's not the time
> to
> >     solve them.
> >
> >     Bye
> >     Paolo Rizzi
> >
> >      >
> >      >
> >      > -----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
> >      > Lähettäjä: Larry Becker [mailto:becker.la...@gmail.com
> >     <mailto:becker.la...@gmail.com>]
> >      > Lähetetty: to 2.4.2009 22:33
> >      > Vastaanottaja: OpenJump develop and use
> >      > Aihe: Re: [JPP-Devel] Modifying BasicFeature to track
> modifications
> >      >
> >      > Paolo,
> >      >
> >      >   You make some good points.  I wasn't really trying to solve all
> >     database
> >      > update problems, but here is a try.
> >      >
> >      > Assumption:  The database PK is stored in an attribute.  In this
> case
> >      > Features that show modified already have a PK so all is well.
> >      When new
> >      > Features are created, the PK will be null and therefor
> >     detectable. The
> >      > problem of assigning unique keys is database dependent.  In the
> >     case of
> >      > deleted Features, this must be handled by a Layer Listener that
> >     keeps a copy
> >      > of the deleted Features to hold for the next commit.  The problem
> of
> >      > multiple edits to the same database record is beyond the scope of
> >     this
> >      > effort.
> >      >
> >      > regards,
> >      > Larry
> >      >
> >      > On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Paolo Rizzi <g...@oicom.com
> >     <mailto:g...@oicom.com>> wrote:
> >      >
> >      >> Andreas is right, for this to work for each "modified" Feature
> >     it must
> >      >> be known if it was modified, inserted or deleted.
> >      >>
> >      >> Also there's the case of conflict resolving.
> >      >> If user "A" reads a Feature from a DB, modify it and then write
> >     it back
> >      >> to the same DB, there's the possibility that in the meantime
> >     user "B"
> >      >> had changed, or deleted, the same Feature.
> >      >>
> >      >> To be able to manage and resolve conflicts, the system should
> have
> >      >> available multiple version of the same Feature:
> >      >>        - the original version user "A" read from the DB
> >      >>        - the version modified by user "A"
> >      >>        - the modified version by user "B", that is now in the DB
> >      >>
> >      >> And a mean should exist for the system to present the conflict
> >     to the
> >      >> user and let him decide what to do.
> >      >>
> >      >> Also the Feature must have a PK (Primary Key) inside the DB, or
> is
> >      >> otherwise impossible to update it.
> >      >> And this leads to another problem, unique PK generation. If a
> user
> >      >> creates a new Feature, this has to be inserted into the DB. To
> this
> >      >> effect it needs a new unique PK, that's not already in use in
> >     the DB. If
> >      >> the system is multiuser it may happen that before user "A"
> >     inserts its
> >      >> new Feature into the DB, user "B" inserts its own Feature with
> >     the same
> >      >> PK. Even asking the DB to generate a new PK may not be a good
> >     solution,
> >      >> because each RDBMS has it's own methid for that, and also they
> >     usually
> >      >> do not permit to "reserve" a PK over a period of time.
> >      >> So the best solution is letting user "A" generates a new PK "by
> >     hand"
> >      >> and resolve an eventual conflict at insert time.
> >      >>
> >      >> Even if the system is not multi-user garanteed, the
> >      >> Modified/Inserted/Deleted reasoning is still valid.
> >      >>
> >      >> Bye
> >      >> Paolo Rizzi
> >      >>
> >      >>
> >      >>> Rahkonen Jukka wrote:
> >      >>>
> >      >>> Hi,
> >      >>>
> >      >>>> I wonder how it has been done in a new WFS plugin that can do
> >      >> transactions.
> >      >>>> The transaction icon gets highlighted only if something has
> been
> >      >> modified, so
> >      >>>> I think there must be some chance tracking system. And I don't
> >     believe
> >      >> really
> >      >>>> that anybody makes a WFS-T client that sends the whole layer
> >     back if
> >      >> only one
> >      >>>> feature is modified. Deegree folks, how is it?
> >      >>> well, loading data from a WFS results in a layer that is an
> >     instance of
> >      >>> WFSLayer. There, all modifications (add/remove/update) are kept
> >     track of,
> >      >> and
> >      >>> they're then mapped to WFS-T insert/update/delete when the user
> >     clicks
> >      >> that
> >      >>> button. A layer listener is used so the layer is notified every
> >     time the
> >      >> user
> >      >>> changes something in a feature or adds/removes one. I think the
> >     features
> >      >> are
> >      >>> stored in seperate lists depending on what has been done with
> it.
> >      >>>
> >      >>> I'm thinking that you'd need the same information for database
> >     plugins
> >      >> (you
> >      >>> cannot UPDATE a row which needs to be inserted etc.). You can
> >     have a look
> >      >> in the
> >      >>> WFSPlugin/src/de/latlon/deejump/wfs/jump/ classes, in
> >     particular WFSLayer
> >      >> and
> >      >>> the WFSLayerListener.
> >      >>>
> >      >>> Best regards, Andreas
> >      >>>
> >      >>>
> >      >>>
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >      >>>
> >      >>>
> >      >>
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >      >>>
> >      >>>
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >      >>>
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> >
> > --
> > http://amusingprogrammer.blogspot.com/
> >
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